
ボキャブラリー レッスン130

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Have a good time phrase [hav-uh-good-tahym]

to enjoy oneself; have an enjoyable experience

◼ Example: We always have a good time at the amusement park.
◻ Note: Tell me about a recent experience when you had a good time.

2. Plane noun [pleyn]

a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a streamlined body

◼ Example: I took a plane to visit my family in another country.
◻ Note: Share your experience of traveling by plane.

3. Social status noun [soh-shuh l-stat-uhs]

a person's position or rank within a society or group

◼ Example: In some cultures, social status is very important.
◻ Note: Discuss your thoughts on the importance of social status.

4. Seat noun [seet]

a place to sit, typically a chair or bench

◼ Example: I reserved a seat at the front of the movie theater.
◻ Note: Describe a situation where you had trouble finding a seat.

5. See verb [see]

to perceive with the eyes; look at

◼ Example: I can see the mountains from my window.
◻ Note: Describe something interesting you saw recently.

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ have a good time

◼ plane

◼ social status

◼ seat

◼ see

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. to enjoy oneself; have an enjoyable experience

_____ 2. a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a streamlined body

_____ 3. a person's position or rank within a society or group

_____ 4. a place to sit, typically a chair or bench

_____ 5. to perceive with the eyes; look at

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I hope you _____ at the party tonight!

a. have a good time

b. plane

c. social status

d. seat

2) My sister is afraid of flying, so she prefers not to travel by _____.

a. have a good time

b. plane

c. social status

d. seat

3) In some societies, people are often judged by their _____.

a. have a good time

b. plane

c. social status

d. seat

4) The concert was so crowded that I couldn't find a _____ to sit.

a. have a good time

b. plane

c. social status

d. seat

5) If you look carefully, you can _____ the birds building a nest in the tree.

a. have a good time

b. plane

c. social status

d. see