
ボキャブラリー レッスン129

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Cloudy adjective [klou-dee]

having many clouds in the sky

◼ Example: The weather forecast says it will be cloudy tomorrow.
◻ Note: Do you prefer sunny or cloudy days?

2. Shirt noun [shurt]

a piece of clothing for the upper body, usually with a collar and buttons or a round neck

◼ Example: I bought a new shirt for the party.
◻ Note: Describe your favorite shirt.

3. Delicious adjective [dih-lish-uhs]

very pleasing to taste or smell

◼ Example: The cake she made was delicious.
◻ Note: Tell me about a delicious meal you've had recently.

4. Pig noun [pig]

a large, pink or brown, domesticated animal with a broad, flat nose and short legs, kept for its meat

◼ Example: Pigs are known for being very intelligent animals.
◻ Note: Share a fact you know about pigs.

5. Invite verb [in-vahyt]

to ask someone to come to an event, party, or gathering

◼ Example: I will invite my friends to my birthday party.
◻ Note: Describe a time when you invited someone or were invited to an event.

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ cloudy

◼ shirt

◼ delicious

◼ pig

◼ invite

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. having many clouds in the sky

_____ 2. a piece of clothing for the upper body, usually with a collar and buttons or a round neck

_____ 3. very pleasing to taste or smell

_____ 4. a large, pink or brown, domesticated animal with a broad, flat nose and short legs, kept for its meat

_____ 5. to ask someone to come to an event, party, or gathering

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The sky is getting dark and _____, it might rain soon.

a. cloudy

b. shirt

c. delicious

d. pig

2) I spilled coffee on my _____ and now I have to change.

a. cloudy

b. shirt

c. delicious

d. pig

3) The food at the restaurant was so _____ that I can't wait to go back.

a. cloudy

b. shirt

c. delicious

d. pig

4) The farm has several animals, including cows, chickens, and _____.

a. cloudy

b. shirt

c. delicious

d. pig

5) She wants to _____ all her friends to her graduation party.

a. cloudy

b. shirt

c. delicious

d. invite