
ボキャブラリー レッスン127

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Mine pronoun [mahyn]

used to indicate that something belongs to the speaker

◼ Example: This book is mine.
◻ Note: Give an example using "mine" to describe something that belongs to you.

2. Ruler noun [roo-ler]

a straight strip of wood, metal, or plastic with marked intervals, used for measuring lengths or drawing straight lines

◼ Example: I use a ruler to draw straight lines.
◻ Note: What do you use a ruler for?

3. Umbrella noun [uhm-brel-uh]

a device with a collapsible canopy used for protection against rain or sun

◼ Example: I always carry an umbrella when it's rainy.
◻ Note: Tell me about a time when you needed an umbrella.

4. On vacation phrase [on vey-key-shuhn]

taking a break from work or school, usually involving travel or leisure activities

◼ Example: She is on vacation in Hawaii.
◻ Note: Describe a time when you were on vacation or where you would like to go on vacation.

5. Thing noun [thing]

an object, item, or concept

◼ Example: I forgot my things at home.
◻ Note: Give an example of a thing that is important to you.

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ mine

◼ ruler

◼ umbrella

◼ on vacation

◼ thing

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. used to indicate that something belongs to the speaker

_____ 2. a straight strip of wood, metal, or plastic with marked intervals, used for measuring lengths or drawing straight lines

_____ 3. a device with a collapsible canopy used for protection against rain or sun

_____ 4. taking a break from work or school, usually involving travel or leisure activities

_____ 5. an object, item, or concept

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Whose pen is this? It's not _____.

a. mine

b. ruler

c. umbrella

d. on vacation

2) I need a _____ to measure the length of this paper.

a. mine

b. ruler

c. umbrella

d. on vacation

3) Don't forget your _____; it looks like it's going to rain.

a. mine

b. ruler

c. umbrella

d. on vacation

4) Tom is not at work today because he is _____.

a. mine

b. ruler

c. umbrella

d. on vacation

5) I can't find my favorite _____ in this messy room.

a. mine

b. ruler

c. umbrella

d. on vacation