
ボキャブラリー レッスン126

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. More adjective [mawr, mohr]

a greater or additional amount or degree

◼ Example: I need more time to finish my homework.
◻ Note: Tell me about something you want more of.

2. Spaghetti noun [spuh-get-ee]

a type of Italian pasta made in long, thin strands

◼ Example: My favorite dish is spaghetti with tomato sauce.
◻ Note: Do you like spaghetti? How do you like it prepared?

3. Junior adjective [joon-yer]

younger or lower in rank or position

◼ Example: She is a junior member of the team.
◻ Note: Describe a time when you were a junior or had a junior role.

4. Bad adjective [bad]

not good; unpleasant or causing problems

◼ Example: Eating too much junk food is bad for your health.
◻ Note: Tell me something that is bad for you or something you consider bad.

5. Will modal verb [wil]

used to express future intentions or predictions

◼ Example: I will study English every day.
◻ Note: Make a sentence using "will" to express your future plans.

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ more

◼ spaghetti

◼ junior

◼ bad

◼ will

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a greater or additional amount or degree

_____ 2. a type of Italian pasta made in long, thin strands

_____ 3. younger or lower in rank or position

_____ 4. not good; unpleasant or causing problems

_____ 5. used to express future intentions or predictions

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I need to buy _____ apples for the recipe.

a. more

b. spaghetti

c. junior

d. bad

2) We're having _____ for dinner tonight.

a. more

b. spaghetti

c. junior

d. bad

3) As a _____ employee, she is learning from her senior colleagues.

a. more

b. spaghetti

c. junior

d. bad

4) Smoking is _____ for your health.

a. more

b. spaghetti

c. junior

d. bad

5) I _____ visit my grandparents this weekend.

a. more

b. spaghetti

c. junior

d. will