
ボキャブラリー レッスン124

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Newspaper noun [nooz-pey-per, nyooz-, noos-, nyoos-]

a printed publication containing news, articles, and advertisements

◼ Example: I read the newspaper every morning.
◻ Note: What is your favorite section in the newspaper?

2. Far adjective, adverb [fahr]

at, to, or by a great distance

◼ Example: The store is far from my house.
◻ Note: Describe a place that is far from where you live.

3. Turn verb [turn]

to change direction or move in a different direction

◼ Example: Turn right at the traffic light.
◻ Note: Can you give directions to a nearby location?

4. Sweet adjective [sweet]

having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey

◼ Example: I love sweet desserts like chocolate cake.
◻ Note: What is your favorite sweet treat?

5. Before preposition, conjunction, adverb [bih-fawr, -fohr]

at an earlier time

◼ Example: I finished my homework before dinner.
◻ Note: Tell me something you did before today.

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ newspaper

◼ far

◼ turn

◼ sweet

◼ before

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a printed publication containing news, articles, and advertisements

_____ 2. at, to, or by a great distance

_____ 3. to change direction or move in a different direction

_____ 4. having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey

_____ 5. at an earlier time

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I like to read the _____ while having breakfast.

a. newspaper

b. far

c. turn

d. sweet

2) My friend lives _____ from here, so I don't visit her often.

a. newspaper

b. far

c. turn

d. sweet

3) When you reach the park, _____ left and you'll see the café.

a. newspaper

b. far

c. turn

d. sweet

4) I prefer _____ candies over sour ones.

a. newspaper

b. far

c. turn

d. sweet

5) I used to live in a different city _____ I moved here.

a. newspaper

b. far

c. turn

d. before