
ボキャブラリー レッスン122

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Be careful phrase [bee kar-fuhl]

to pay attention to what you are doing in order to avoid accidents or mistakes

◼ Example: Be careful when you cross the street.
◻ Note: When do you need to be careful?

2. Toy noun [toi]

an object for children to play with

◼ Example: My little brother loves playing with his toy cars.
◻ Note: What was your favorite toy as a child?

3. Have no idea phrase [hav noh ahy-dee-uh]

to not know something or not understand something

◼ Example: I have no idea where I left my keys.
◻ Note: What is something you have no idea about?

4. Look verb [look]

to direct your eyes toward someone or something

◼ Example: Look at the beautiful sunset.
◻ Note: What do you like to look at?

5. Goal noun [gohl]

an aim or purpose; something that you are trying to achieve

◼ Example: My goal is to learn English fluently.
◻ Note: Tell me one of your goals.

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ be careful

◼ toy

◼ have no idea

◼ look

◼ goal

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. to pay attention to what you are doing in order to avoid accidents or mistakes

_____ 2. an object for children to play with

_____ 3. to not know something or not understand something

_____ 4. to direct your eyes toward someone or something

_____ 5. an aim or purpose; something that you are trying to achieve

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) _____ when you are using the sharp knife.

a. Be careful

b. Toy

c. Have no idea

d. Look

2) She received a new _____ for her birthday.

a. goal

b. toy

c. be careful

d. look

3) I _____ how to solve this math problem.

a. goal

b. have no idea

c. toy

d. be careful

4) _____ at that cute puppy playing in the park!

a. Goal

b. Have no idea

c. Look

d. Toy

5) His _____ is to run a marathon next year.

a. toy

b. be careful

c. look

d. goal