
ボキャブラリー レッスン121

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Hometown noun [hohm-toun]

the place where someone was born or grew up

◼ Example: I visit my hometown every year during the summer vacation.
◻ Note: Tell me about your hometown.

2. Grandmother noun [gran-muhth-er]

the mother of your mother or father

◼ Example: My grandmother lives in the countryside.
◻ Note: What do you like to do with your grandmother?

3. May noun [mey]

the fifth month of the year

◼ Example: The flowers bloom beautifully in May.
◻ Note: What do you usually do in May?

4. Postcard noun [pohst-kahrd]

a small, rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard that you can send in the mail without an envelope, often featuring a picture on one side

◼ Example: I received a postcard from my friend who traveled to Italy.
◻ Note: Have you ever sent a postcard to someone?

5. Pet noun [pet]

an animal that you keep at home for companionship or pleasure

◼ Example: My pet dog's name is Luna.
◻ Note: Tell me about your pet, if you have one.

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ hometown

◼ grandmother

◼ may

◼ postcard

◼ pet

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. the place where someone was born or grew up

_____ 2. the mother of your mother or father

_____ 3. the fifth month of the year

_____ 4. a small, rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard that you can send in the mail without an envelope, often featuring a picture on one side

_____ 5. an animal that you keep at home for companionship or pleasure

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) My family is planning a trip to our _____ during Golden Week.

a. hometown

b. grandmother

c. May

d. postcard

2) I usually send my _____ a gift on her birthday.

a. pet

b. hometown

c. postcard

d. grandmother

3) The weather is usually very pleasant in _____.

a. hometown

b. May

c. postcard

d. grandmother

4) When I travel, I like to send a _____ to my family and friends.

a. May

b. postcard

c. pet

d. grandmother

5) My friend has a cute cat as her _____.

a. hometown

b. postcard

c. pet

d. May