
ボキャブラリー レッスン116

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Love verb [luhv]

to have a strong feeling of affection for someone or something

◼ Example: I love spending time with my family.
◻ Note: What do you love to do in your free time?

2. Mall noun [mawl]

a large building or group of buildings containing stores and restaurants

◼ Example: I like to go to the mall on weekends.
◻ Note: What is your favorite store in the mall?

3. Drum noun [druhm]

a musical instrument that you play by hitting it with sticks or your hands

◼ Example: He played the drums in a band.
◻ Note: Have you ever played a musical instrument before?

4. Leave for phrase [leev fawr]

to depart from a place to go to another place

◼ Example: We need to leave for the airport in an hour.
◻ Note: When are you planning to leave for your next vacation?

5. Machine noun [muh-sheen]

a device with moving parts that does a particular job

◼ Example: I use a washing machine to do my laundry.
◻ Note: What is your favorite machine or device?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ love

◼ mall

◼ drum

◼ leave for

◼ machine

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. to have a strong feeling of affection for someone or something

_____ 2. a device with moving parts that does a particular job

_____ 3. a large building or group of buildings containing stores and restaurants

_____ 4. to depart from a place to go to another place

_____ 5. a musical instrument that you play by hitting it with sticks or your hands

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I really _____ playing the guitar.

a. leave for

b. mall

c. love

d. machine

2) I need to buy some new clothes. Let's go to the _____.

a. drum

b. machine

c. love

d. mall

3) She is learning how to play the _____.

a. mall

b. drum

c. love

d. leave for

4) We need to _____ the party at 7 PM.

a. machine

b. love

c. leave for

d. drum

5) The _____ in the factory broke down, so we had to stop production.

a. mall

b. machine

c. love

d. leave for