
ボキャブラリー レッスン11


1. Poor adjective [poor]

- having little money, needy
(貧乏な, 貧しい)

◼ Example: Dean saw a poor man in the park. He gave him some food and old clothes.
◻ Note: What will you do if you see a poor person?

2. Quick Quick [kwik]

- moving fast or doing something in a short time
(速い, 迅速な)

◼ Example: The mouse was too quick so my cat could not catch it.
◻ Note: Are you a quick runner?

3. Fun adjective [fuhn]

- someone or something that is enjoyable

◼ Example: Going to the amusement park is a lot of fun.
◻ Note: Give me some example of fun things you like to do.

4. Many adjective [men-ee]

- a large number of people or things

◼ Example: Yumi has many books. She loves reading.
◻ Note: Do you have many friends?

5. Few adjective [fyoo]

- a small number of people or things
(いくらかの, 数~)

◼ Example: The movie was boring. Only few people watched it.
◻ Note: Do you study English a few hours a day?


◼ Poor

◼ Quick

◼ Fun

◼ Many

◼ Few

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a large number of people or things

_____ 2. having little money, needy

_____ 3. a small number of people or things

_____ 4. moving fast or doing something in a short time

_____ 5. someone or something that is enjoyable


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) This party is really _____! Everybody is enjoying their time.

a. Many

b. Fun

c. Few

d. Quick

2) Jojo collects toy cars. He has _____ toy cars on the shelf in his room.

a. Poor

b. Quick

c. Fun

d. Many

3) My neighbor is _____. He doesn’t have money to go to the hospital.

a. Many

b. Few

c. Poor

d. Quick

4) There are only _____ apples on the table. The children ate most of them.

a. Few

b. Quick

c. Poor

d. Fun

5) He won 1st place in the race. He is a _____ runner.

a. Fun

b. Poor

c. Quick

d. Few

パート3: Eメール

From: Judy Keys
To: Asuna Harada
Date: September 19
Subject: Lei
Hi Asuna,

My cousin Len is going to go back to America on September 30. We will have a farewell party for her this Saturday, September 22. Can you come to the party? We’ll go to YM Amusement Center from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. After that, we’ll have lunch at my house. You’ll need $3 to get in YM Amusement Center.
I hope you can come.

From: Asuna Harada
To: Judy Keys
Date: September 19
Subject: I’m excited!
Hello Judy,

Thanks for inviting me. Yes, I’d love to go to your party! I will bring a present for your cousin Len. It’s a keychain I got it from my trip to Osaka last year. I can see her before she goes back to America, so I’m very happy. I’ll see you at YM Amusement Center on Saturday.
Thank you.


Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) When is Len going to go back to America?

a. On September 19

b. On September 30

c. On September 22

d. Last year

2) Where will they eat lunch on Saturday?

a. At YM Shopping Center

b. At YM Amusement Center

c. At Judy’s house

d. At Asuna’s house

3) Asuna is happy because…

a. She can go to America

b. She can play at YM Amusement Center

c. She can get a keychain from Osaka

d. She can see Len before she goes back to America