
ボキャブラリー レッスン109

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Already adverb [awl-red-ee]

before now or before a particular time (すでに)

◼ Example: I have already finished my homework.
◻ Note: Have you already eaten breakfast?

2. Message noun [mes-ij]

a piece of information that you give or receive by phone, email, letter, etc.

◼ Example: I received a message from my friend yesterday.
◻ Note: Did you leave a message for your teacher?

3. Still adverb [stil]

continuing to happen or continuing to be done

◼ Example: I still haven't found my keys.
◻ Note: Are you still studying English?

4. Menu noun [men-yoo, meyn-yoo]

a list of dishes that can be ordered in a restaurant

◼ Example: Let's look at the menu before we order.
◻ Note: What's your favorite dish on the menu?

5. Animal noun [an-uh-muhl]

a living creature that is not a plant

◼ Example: Dogs and cats are common household animals.
◻ Note: What's your favorite animal?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ already

◼ message

◼ still

◼ menu

◼ animal

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. before now or before a particular time

_____ 2. a piece of information that you give or receive by phone, email, letter, etc.

_____ 3. continuing to happen or continuing to be done

_____ 4. a list of dishes that can be ordered in a restaurant

_____ 5. a living creature that is not a plant

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) We've _____ eaten dinner. Let's watch a movie now.

a. animal

b. already

c. message

d. menu

2) I received a _____ from my boss about the meeting tomorrow.

a. message

b. still

c. menu

d. animal

3) The bus is _____ not here. We have to wait.

a. animal

b. already

c. message

d. still

4) The waiter brought us the _____ and asked if we were ready to order.

a. message

b. still

c. menu

d. animal

5) My favorite _____ is the elephant.

a. already

b. message

c. still

d. animal