
ボキャブラリー レッスン108

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Dish noun [dish]

a plate or bowl for serving food

◼ Example: I washed the dishes after dinner.
◻ Note: What is your favorite dish to eat?

2. Stop doing verb [stop doh-ing]

to quit or discontinue an action or habit

◼ Example: I need to stop doing that bad habit.
◻ Note: What bad habit would you like to stop doing?

3. Excited adjective [ik-sahy-tid]

feeling very happy and enthusiastic

◼ Example: I am so excited for my birthday party.
◻ Note: What makes you feel excited?

4. Hear about verb [heer uh-bout]

to learn or find out about something

◼ Example: I heard about the news from a friend.
◻ Note: Where did you hear about that information?

5. Lunchtime noun [luhnch-tahym]

the time of day when people eat lunch

◼ Example: Let's go to lunch together during lunchtime.
◻ Note: What time is your usual lunchtime?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ dish

◼ stop doing

◼ excited

◼ hear about

◼ lunchtime

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. the time of day when people eat lunch

_____ 2. to quit or discontinue an action or habit

_____ 3. feeling very happy and enthusiastic

_____ 4. a plate or bowl for serving food

_____ 5. to learn or find out about something

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I always eat lunch at noon during _____.

a. dish

b. stop doing

c. excited

d. lunchtime

2) I want to _____ smoking. It's not good for my health.

a. hear about

b. excited

c. lunchtime

d. stop doing

3) I am so _____ to go to the amusement park tomorrow.

a. lunchtime

b. dish

c. excited

d. stop doing

4) Have you _____ the new restaurant that just opened downtown?

a. stop doing

b. excited

c. hear about

d. lunchtime

5) Can you please pass me that _____? I need to serve the salad.

a. stop doing

b. lunchtime

c. dish

d. excited