
ボキャブラリー レッスン103

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Road noun [rohd]

a long, hard surface built for vehicles to travel on

◼ Example: Be careful when crossing the road.
◻ Note: What is the name of the main road near your house?

2. Call verb [kawl]

to use a phone to talk to someone or to shout to get someone's attention
(電話する, 呼ぶ)

◼ Example: I will call my friend later today.
◻ Note: How often do you call your friends?

3. Same adjective [seym]

identical; not different

◼ Example: We have the same favorite color.
◻ Note: Tell me something that is the same between you and your friend.

4. Start doing verb [stahrt doo-ing]

to begin a new activity or task

◼ Example: I will start doing yoga next week.
◻ Note: What is something you want to start doing?

5. Over preposition, adverb [oh-ver]

above or higher than something
(上に, もっと高く)

◼ Example: The bird flew over the trees.
◻ Note: Can you think of a situation where you would use "over"?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ road

◼ call

◼ same

◼ start doing

◼ over

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a long, hard surface built for vehicles to travel on

_____ 2. to use a phone to talk to someone or to shout to get someone's attention

_____ 3. identical; not different

_____ 4. to begin a new activity or task

_____ 5. above or higher than something

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) There is a lot of traffic on the _____ during rush hour.

a. same

b. call

c. road

d. over

2) I need to _____ my mom to tell her I'll be late for dinner.

a. start doing

b. road

c. call

d. same

3) My brother and I have the _____ taste in music.

a. over

b. same

c. start doing

d. road

4) Next month, I want to _____ learning how to play the guitar.

a. same

b. call

c. start doing

d. over

5) The cat jumped _____ the fence to enter the garden.

a. same

b. call

c. road

d. over