
ボキャブラリー レッスン101

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Wait for verb [weyt fawr]

to stay in one place until someone or something arrives

◼ Example: I will wait for you in front of the station.
◻ Note: What do you usually do while waiting for someone?

2. Hawaii noun [huh-wahy-ee, -wah-ee, -wah-yuh]

a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean and a state of the United States

◼ Example: We are planning a vacation to Hawaii next summer.
◻ Note: Have you ever been to Hawaii?

3. Cheese noun [cheez]

a solid food made from milk, often eaten with bread or crackers

◼ Example: I love eating cheese with my sandwiches.
◻ Note: What is your favorite type of cheese?

4. Calendar noun [kal-uhn-der]

a system for organizing time into days, weeks, months, and years

◼ Example: I always check my calendar to see what appointments I have.
◻ Note: Do you use a paper or digital calendar?

5. Sausage noun [saw-sij]

a type of meat that is ground, seasoned, and usually stuffed into a casing

◼ Example: I like having sausages for breakfast.
◻ Note: What kind of sausage do you prefer?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ wait for

◼ Hawaii

◼ cheese

◼ calendar

◼ sausage

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean and a state of the United States

_____ 2. a solid food made from milk, often eaten with bread or crackers

_____ 3. a system for organizing time into days, weeks, months, and years

_____ 4. to stay in one place until someone or something arrives

_____ 5. a type of meat that is ground, seasoned, and usually stuffed into a casing

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I can't find my next appointment. Let me check my _____.

a. sausage

b. Hawaii

c. calendar

d. cheese

2) We are going to _____ next month for our honeymoon.

a. wait for

b. Hawaii

c. cheese

d. calendar

3) I am running late. Can you _____ the bus?

a. calendar

b. wait for

c. cheese

d. sausage

4) My favorite pizza topping is _____.

a. Hawaii

b. cheese

c. wait for

d. calendar

5) At the barbecue party, we will grill hamburgers and _____.

a. Hawaii

b. calendar

c. wait for

d. sausage