
ボキャブラリー レッスン100

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Years old

used to indicate someone's age

◼ Example: My sister is 25 years old.
◻ Note: How old are you?

2. Most adverb [mohst]

the majority of; nearly all

◼ Example: Most people like pizza.
◻ Note: What do you like most?

3. Onion noun [uhn-yuh n]

a round vegetable with many layers, often with a strong smell and taste

◼ Example: I use onion to make soup.
◻ Note: Do you like the taste of onion?

4. Italy noun [it-l-ee]

a country in southern Europe

◼ Example: I want to go to Italy to try authentic Italian pizza.
◻ Note: Have you been to Italy before?

5. Hard adjective [hahrd]

requiring a lot of effort or endurance to do or understand

◼ Example: This math problem is hard.
◻ Note: What is the hardest thing you have ever done?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ years old

◼ most

◼ onion

◼ Italy

◼ hard

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a country in southern Europe

_____ 2. a round vegetable with many layers, often with a strong smell and taste

_____ 3. used to indicate someone's age

_____ 4. requiring a lot of effort or endurance to do or understand

_____ 5. the majority of; nearly all

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I'm going to be 30 _____ next month.

a. most

b. onion

c. hard

d. years old

2) _____ of the people in my class are from Japan.

a. Italy

b. years old

c. hard

d. Most

3) I don't like the taste of _____ in my salad.

a. Italy

b. hard

c. onion

d. years old

4) _____ is a beautiful country with many historic landmarks.

a. hard

b. most

c. years old

d. Italy

5) This test is really _____.

a. onion

b. hard

c. Italy

d. years old