
ボキャブラリー レッスン1


1. School noun [skool]

- a place where people go to study and learn

◼ Example: I ride my bike to school.
◻ Note: Tell me the name of your school.

2. Library noun [lahy-brer-ee, -bruh-ree, -bree]

- a place where you can find many books that you can read or borrow

◼ Example: I go to the library every weekend.
◻ Note: Do you like going to the library?

3. Post office noun [pohst aw-fis, of-is]

- a place where you can buy stamps, send letters and packages

◼ Example: Anna will go to the post office to send a letter.
◻ Note: How often do you go to the post office?

4. Station noun [stey-shuh n]

- a place where trains or buses regularly stop so that passengers can get on or off

◼ Example: My house is near the station.
◻ Note: What is the nearest station to your house?

5. Hobby noun [hob-ee]

- an activity that you enjoy and do regularly

◼ Example: Reading books is my hobby.
◻ Note: Tell me some of your hobbies.


◼ school

◼ library

◼ post office

◼ station

◼ hobby

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. an activity that you enjoy and do regularly

_____ 2. a place where people go to study and learn

_____ 3. a place where you can buy stamps, send letters and packages

_____ 4. a place where you can find many books that you can read or borrow

_____ 5. a place where trains or buses regularly stop so that passengers can get on or off


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The train will arrive at the _____ soon. Hurry!

a. school

b. library

c. post office

d. station

2) I really love reading. I always borrow books from the _____.

a. library

b. station

c. hobby

d. school

3) Swimming is her _____. She goes to the pool every weekend.

a. Station

b. Post office

c. Hobby

d. Library

4) I missed the school bus. I'm going to be late for _____.

a. library

b. school

c. station

d. hobby

5) I need to send this letter to grandma. Can you come to the _____ with me?

a. post office

b. hobby

c. school

d. station

パート3: 広告

I can’t find my dog!
My Name is John Lee.
My dog jumped out of my window on May 5.

Please help me!

- She is three years old.
- She is black and white.
- Her eyes are brown.

She likes walking around my house.
If you find her, please call me at 244-9680.

Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) What is the color of the dog’s eyes?

a. brown

b. yellow

c. blue

d. black

2) What does the dog like to do?

a. eat and drink

b. walk around John’s house

c. look out the window

d. sleep on the bed