
ボキャブラリー レッスン99


1. no one's (the) first day phrase [noh wuhns (the) furst dey]

A way of saying that everyone is experienced and there are no beginners present.

◼ Example: Don't worry about making mistakes, it's no one's first day here.

2. asleep adjective [uh-sleep]

In a state of sleep; unconscious.

◼ Example: I was asleep when the phone rang.

3. staff noun [stahf]

A group of people who work for an organization or business.

◼ Example: The staff at the hotel were very friendly and helpful.

4. northern adjective [nor-thurn]

Located in or toward the north.

◼ Example: The northern part of the country is known for its cold weather.

5. turn left/right phrase [turn left/rahyt]

Instructions to change direction to the left or right.

◼ Example: To reach my house, turn right at the first traffic light.

6. true adjective [troo]

In accordance with fact or reality.

◼ Example: It's true that I'll be moving to New York next month.

7. after school phrase [af-ter skool]

Following the end of a school day.

◼ Example: After school, I usually go to the library to study.

8. change verb [cheynj]

To make or become different.

◼ Example: I need to change my diet to become healthier.

9. body noun [boh-dee]

The physical structure of a person or an animal, including the bones, flesh, and organs.

◼ Example: Regular exercise keeps the body healthy.

10. make verb [meyk]

To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putting together material; construct.

◼ Example: She knows how to make a delicious cake.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ no one's (the) first day

◼ asleep

◼ staff

◼ northern

◼ turn left/right

◼ true

◼ after school

◼ change

◼ body

◼ make

____________________1. A way of saying that everyone is experienced and there are no beginners present.

____________________2. In a state of sleep; unconscious.

____________________3. A group of people who work for an organization or business.

____________________4. Located in or toward the north.

____________________5. Instructions to change direction to the left or right.

____________________6. In accordance with fact or reality.

____________________7. Following the end of a school day.

____________________8. To make or become different.

____________________9. The physical structure of a person or an animal, including the bones, flesh, and organs.

____________________10. To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putting together material; construct.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Don't worry about making mistakes, it's _____________ here.

a. No one's (the) first day

b. Asleep

c. Staff

d. True

2) The baby is finally _____________ after crying for hours.

a. No one's (the) first day

b. Asleep

c. Northern

d. Make

3) The _____________ at the restaurant were very friendly.

a. Staff

b. True

c. After school

d. Body

4) We plan to travel to the _____________ part of the country this summer.

a. Asleep

b. Northern

c. Change

d. Make

5) At the next junction, you should _____________ to reach the park.

a. Turn left/right

b. After school

c. Body

d. Change