
ボキャブラリー レッスン97


1. most of phrase [mohst uhv]

Used to indicate the majority of a specific group or quantity.

◼ Example: Most of the students in my class passed the exam.

2. sandwich noun [san-dwich]

Two or more slices of bread or the like with a layer of meat, fish, cheese, etc., between each pair.

◼ Example: I made a cheese sandwich for lunch.

3. painting noun [peyn-ting]

The action or skill of using paint, either in a picture or as decoration.

◼ Example: The art museum had a wonderful collection of paintings.

4. smoke noun [smohk]

The visible vapor and gases given off by a burning or smoldering substance.

◼ Example: The smoke from the fire was making her eyes water.

5. pancake noun [pan-keyk]

A thin, flat cake of batter, usually fried and turned in a pan.

◼ Example: Pancakes with syrup and butter is a classic breakfast.

6. on time phrase [on tahym]

At the planned or expected time.

◼ Example: The train arrived right on time.

7. snow noun [snoh]

Precipitation in the form of ice crystals.

◼ Example: The snow covered the whole city in white.

8. sweater noun [sweh-ter]

A knitted garment typically with long sleeves, worn over the upper body.

◼ Example: She wore a thick sweater to keep herself warm.

9. year(s) old phrase [yeer(s) old]

Used to indicate the age of a person.

◼ Example: My son is three years old.

10. section noun [sek-shuhn]

A distinct part or subdivision of a writing, as of a newspaper, legal code, chapter, etc.

◼ Example: I found the information in the business section of the newspaper.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ most of

◼ sandwich

◼ painting

◼ smoke

◼ pancake

◼ on time

◼ snow

◼ sweater

◼ year(s) old

◼ section

____________________1. Used to indicate the majority of a specific group or quantity.

____________________2. Two or more slices of bread or the like with a layer of meat, fish, cheese, etc., between each pair.

____________________3. The action or skill of using paint, either in a picture or as decoration.

____________________4. The visible vapor and gases given off by a burning or smoldering substance.

____________________5. A thin, flat cake of batter, usually fried and turned in a pan.

____________________6. At the planned or expected time.

____________________7. Precipitation in the form of ice crystals.

____________________8. A knitted garment typically with long sleeves, worn over the upper body.

____________________9. Used to indicate the age of a person.

____________________10. A distinct part or subdivision of a writing, as of a newspaper, legal code, chapter, etc.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) _____________ people I know have been vaccinated against the virus.

a. Most of

b. Sandwich

c. Snow

d. Section

2) I'm having a turkey _____________ for lunch.

a. Pancake

b. Sandwich

c. Year(s) old

d. Section

3) This _____________ was created by a famous artist.

a. Painting

b. Sweater

c. Smoke

d. Year(s) old

4) After the fireworks, the sky was filled with _____________.

a. Smoke

b. Sandwich

c. Snow

d. Section

5) I love eating _____________ for breakfast.

a. Pancake

b. Most of

c. On time

d. Year(s) old