
ボキャブラリー レッスン96


1. either A or B phrase [ee-thur A or B]

Used to indicate a choice between two possibilities.

◼ Example: You can have either coffee or tea.

2. all day (long) phrase [awl dey (long)]

Throughout the entire day; for the whole day.

◼ Example: I've been working on this report all day long.

3. rule noun [rool]

A prescribed guide for conduct or action; an authoritative instruction or direction.

◼ Example: The first rule of the club is confidentiality.

4. smell noun [smel]

The quality of a thing that is perceived through the sense of smell.

◼ Example: The smell of fresh bread wafted from the bakery.

5. memory noun [mem-uh-ree]

The mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences.

◼ Example: My childhood memories are full of laughter and joy.

6. have a cold phrase [hav a kohld]

To be sick with a viral infection characterized by congestion, a runny nose, coughing, a sore throat, etc.

◼ Example: I can't come to the party, I have a cold.

7. be ready for phrase [bee red-ee for]

To be prepared or suitably equipped for something.

◼ Example: You should always be ready for unexpected events.

8. safety noun [seyf-tee]

The condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or loss.

◼ Example: Safety is the top priority in this construction project.

9. medal noun [med-uhl]

A flat piece of metal, often a disc, that has an inscription or design, made to commemorate some event, or awarded as a token of honor to a person such as a soldier, athlete, or scholar.

◼ Example: She won a gold medal in the Olympics.

10. bit noun [bit]

A small amount or degree; a little.

◼ Example: Just a bit of sugar will make the coffee taste better.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ either A or B

◼ all day (long)

◼ rule

◼ smell

◼ memory

◼ have a cold

◼ be ready for

◼ safety

◼ medal

◼ bit

____________________1. Used to indicate a choice between two possibilities.

____________________2. Throughout the entire day; for the whole day.

____________________3. A prescribed guide for conduct or action; an authoritative instruction or direction.

____________________4. The quality of a thing that is perceived through the sense of smell.

____________________5. The mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences.

____________________6. To be sick with a viral infection characterized by congestion, a runny nose, coughing, a sore throat, etc.

____________________7. To be prepared or suitably equipped for something.

____________________8. The condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or loss.

____________________9. A flat piece of metal, often a disc, that has an inscription or design, made to commemorate some event, or awarded as a token of honor to a person such as a soldier, athlete, or scholar.

____________________10. A small amount or degree; a little.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) You can choose _____________ the red dress or the blue one.

a. either A or B

b. all day (long)

c. rule

d. smell

2) I've been studying for my exams _____________.

a. either A or B

b. all day (long)

c. have a cold

d. medal

3) It's a _____________ to not talk loudly in the library.

a. rule

b. smell

c. bit

d. safety

4) The _____________ of fresh flowers filled the room.

a. either A or B

b. all day (long)

c. rule

d. smell

5) My _____________ of our trip to Europe is still very vivid.

a. rule

b. memory

c. safety

d. bit