
ボキャブラリー レッスン95


1. theater noun [thee-uh-ter]

A building where plays, shows, or films are presented.

◼ Example: We are going to the theater to watch a movie tonight.

2. get married phrase [get mar-eed]

To become united in marriage.

◼ Example: They are planning to get married next year.

3. keep in touch with A phrase [keep in tuhch with]

To maintain communication or connection with someone.

◼ Example: Even though we live in different cities, we keep in touch with each other.

4. stay in phrase [stay in]

To remain indoors, at home, or at one's current location.

◼ Example: Because of the rain, we decided to stay in.

5. wet adjective [wet]

Covered or saturated with a liquid, such as water.

◼ Example: The clothes are still wet from the wash.

6. sofa noun [soh-fuh]

A piece of furniture designed for comfortable seating for two or more people.

◼ Example: I fell asleep on the sofa while watching TV.

7. safely adverb [seyf-lee]

Without danger or risk of harm or injury.

◼ Example: Make sure you cross the road safely.

8. at least phrase [at leest]

Not less than; at the minimum.

◼ Example: You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

9. human noun [hyoo-muh n]

A member of the Homo sapiens species; a man, woman, or child.

◼ Example: Humans are capable of creating complex societies.

10. female noun [fee-meyl]

Of the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes.

◼ Example: The percentage of female employees in tech companies is increasing.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ theater

◼ get married

◼ keep in touch with A

◼ stay in

◼ wet

◼ sofa

◼ safely

◼ at least

◼ human

◼ female

____________________1. A building where plays, shows, or films are presented.

____________________2. To become united in marriage.

____________________3. To maintain communication or connection with someone.

____________________4. To remain indoors, at home, or at one's current location.

____________________5. Covered or saturated with a liquid, such as water.

____________________6. A piece of furniture designed for comfortable seating for two or more people.

____________________7. Without danger or risk of harm or injury.

____________________8. Not less than; at the minimum.

____________________9. A member of the Homo sapiens species; a man, woman, or child.

____________________10. Of the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) We are going to the _____________ to watch a play.

a. theater

b. human

c. wet

d. at least

2) They are planning to _____________ in the spring.

a. get married

b. wet

c. sofa

d. female

3) I _____________ my high school friends through social media.

a. keep in touch with

b. wet

c. sofa

d. human

4) Due to the pandemic, we decided to _____________.

a. stay in

b. get married

c. wet

d. human

5) After washing my hair, it's _____________ and needs to be dried.

a. wet

b. human

c. sofa

d. at least