
ボキャブラリー レッスン93


1. tooth noun [tooth]

one of the hard, white, bony structures in the mouth used to bite and chew food.

◼ Example: He had to get a tooth pulled out at the dentist.

2. advice noun [ad-vahys]

recommendation or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty.

◼ Example: She gave me some good advice on how to save money.

3. helpful adj [help-fuhl]

giving or ready to give help.

◼ Example: The store assistant was very helpful.

4. get together phrasal verb [get tuh-geth-er]

meet (someone) in order to do something.

◼ Example: We should get together for a coffee sometime.

5. joke noun [johk]

something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement.

◼ Example: He told a funny joke at the party.

6. serious adj [seer-ee-uhs]

demanding careful consideration or application.

◼ Example: We have a serious problem to discuss.

7. pretty adj [prit-ee]

attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful.

◼ Example: She wore a pretty dress to the party.

8. be absent from phrase [bee ab-suhnt fruhm]

not present at a usual or expected place.

◼ Example: He was absent from school because he was sick.

9. corner noun [kor-ner]

a place where two roads or paths meet.

◼ Example: The post office is just around the corner.

10. telephone noun [tel-uh-fohn]

an instrument used for communication between two places.

◼ Example: He talked to his mother on the telephone.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ tooth

◼ advice

◼ helpful

◼ get together

◼ joke

◼ serious

◼ pretty

◼ be absent from

◼ corner

◼ telephone

____________________1. one of the hard, white, bony structures in the mouth used to bite and chew food.

____________________2. recommendation or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty.

____________________3. giving or ready to give help.

____________________4. meet (someone) in order to do something.

____________________5. something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement.

____________________6. demanding careful consideration or application.

____________________7. attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful.

____________________8. not present at a usual or expected place.

____________________9. a place where two roads or paths meet.

____________________10. an instrument used for communication between two places.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I have a pain in my _____________, I think I might have a cavity.

a. tooth

b. corner

c. telephone

d. joke

2) She offered some _____________ on how to improve my cooking skills.

a. advice

b. tooth

c. corner

d. telephone

3) The instructions were very _____________ and easy to follow.

a. helpful

b. tooth

c. joke

d. telephone

4) My friends and I plan to _____________ for dinner tonight.

a. get together

b. tooth

c. corner

d. telephone

5) He made a _____________ about a chicken crossing the road.

a. joke

b. tooth

c. advice

d. telephone