
ボキャブラリー レッスン92


1. fever noun [fee-ver]

an abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied by shivering, headache, and in severe instances, delirium.

◼ Example: The doctor said that my fever was due to the flu.

2. familiar adj [fuh-mil-yer]

well known from long or close association.

◼ Example: Her face is familiar, but I can't remember her name.

3. both det, pron [bohth]

referring to two things or people together or individually.

◼ Example: Both of my parents are teachers.

4. run away phrasal verb [ruhn uh-wey]

to leave quickly in order to avoid or escape something.

◼ Example: The boy ran away from home after an argument with his parents.

5. national adj [nash-uh-nl]

relating to a nation; common to or characteristic of a whole nation.

◼ Example: Baseball is considered a national sport in the US.

6. move to phrasal verb [moov too]

to change one's place of residence to another place.

◼ Example: She decided to move to Tokyo for her new job.

7. energy noun [en-er-jee]

the capacity for vigorous activity; available power.

◼ Example: After a long day of work, I have no energy left.

8. no more adv [noh mohr]

not any longer; stopped or ended completely.

◼ Example: I will tolerate no more interruptions.

9. wallet noun [wol-it, waw-lit]

a pocket-size case for holding cash and other small personal items.

◼ Example: He left his wallet at home.

10. butter noun [buht-er]

a yellowish or whitish, soft solid derived from cream, used in cooking.

◼ Example: She spread butter on her toast.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ fever

◼ familiar

◼ both

◼ run away

◼ national

◼ move to

◼ energy

◼ no more

◼ wallet

◼ butter

____________________1. an abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied by shivering, headache, and in severe instances, delirium.

____________________2. well known from long or close association.

____________________3. referring to two things or people together or individually.

____________________4. to leave quickly in order to avoid or escape something.

____________________5. relating to a nation; common to or characteristic of a whole nation.

____________________6. to change one's place of residence to another place.

____________________7. the capacity for vigorous activity; available power.

____________________8. not any longer; stopped or ended completely.

____________________9. a pocket-size case for holding cash and other small personal items.

____________________10. a yellowish or whitish, soft solid derived from cream, used in cooking.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I have a _____________ of 39 degrees Celsius. I think I need to see a doctor.

a. fever

b. wallet

c. butter

d. energy

2) She was _____________ with the streets of Tokyo as she had lived there for many years.

a. familiar

b. butter

c. wallet

d. fever

3) _____________ my mother and father are coming to watch my performance.

a. Wallet

b. Both

c. Butter

d. Fever

4) The deer _____________ when it saw us approaching.

a. ran away

b. butter

c. wallet

d. fever

5) The _____________ anthem is played at the start of every international sports event.

a. national

b. butter

c. energy

d. fever