
ボキャブラリー レッスン91


1. right away adverb [rahyt uh-wey]

immediately; without delay

◼ Example: If you feel sick, you should go to the doctor right away.

2. visit A in the hospital phrase [viz-it ey in the hos-pi-tl]

to go to see a person (A) who is in hospital

◼ Example: I will visit my grandmother in the hospital after work.

3. tiger noun [tahy-ger]

a large, carnivorous feline mammal, native to Asia, with a tawny coat and black stripes

◼ Example: The tiger is a powerful and majestic animal.

4. opinion noun [uh-pin-yuhn]

a personal view or attitude

◼ Example: In my opinion, this is the best movie of the year.

5. get in trouble phrase [get in truhb-uhl]

to be in a situation where someone is angry at you or where you are likely to be punished

◼ Example: You will get in trouble if you don't finish your homework.

6. mind noun [mahynd]

the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel

◼ Example: It's important to keep your mind active as you grow older.

7. in fact adverb [in fakt]

as a matter of fact; actually

◼ Example: I didn't dislike the food. In fact, it was quite delicious.

8. turtle noun [tur-tl]

a slow-moving reptile, enclosed in a scaly or leathery domed shell into which it can retract its head and thick legs

◼ Example: The turtle carries its home on its back.

9. go abroad phrase [goh uh-brawd]

to go to a foreign country or countries

◼ Example: She wants to go abroad for her studies.

10. next to preposition [nekst too]

at or to one side of; adjacent to

◼ Example: The bank is next to the supermarket.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ right away

◼ visit A in the hospital

◼ tiger

◼ opinion

◼ get in trouble

◼ mind

◼ in fact

◼ turtle

◼ go abroad

◼ next to

____________________1. immediately; without delay

____________________2. to go to see a person (A) who is in hospital

____________________3. a large, carnivorous feline mammal, native to Asia, with a tawny coat and black stripes

____________________4. a personal view or attitude

____________________5. to be in a situation where someone is angry at you or where you are likely to be punished

____________________6. the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel

____________________7. as a matter of fact; actually

____________________8. a slow-moving reptile, enclosed in a scaly or leathery domed shell into which it can retract its head and thick legs

____________________9. to go to a foreign country or countries

____________________10. at or to one side of; adjacent to


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) She needs to finish her assignment _____________ or she will get a low grade.

a. mind

b. right away

c. tiger

d. next to

2) It's my _____________ that the government needs to do more to protect the environment.

a. tiger

b. opinion

c. turtle

d. mind

3) I love to _____________ during the summer to experience different cultures.

a. visit A in the hospital

b. go abroad

c. get in trouble

d. right away

4) My house is _____________ the post office, so it's very convenient for me to send letters.

a. next to

b. tiger

c. mind

d. visit A in the hospital

5) If you _____________ again at school, you will be suspended.

a. get in trouble

b. turtle

c. right away

d. opinion