
ボキャブラリー レッスン9


1. store noun [stawr, stohr]

a place where merchandise is offered for sale; a shop

◼ Example: Anna bought her dress from a store on Maple Street.

2. a.m. abbr

Ante meridiem - before noon

◼ Example: Let’s meet here tomorrow at 9a.m.

3. toy noun [toi]

an object designed to be played with

◼ Example: Most young boys want to play with toy guns.

4. movie noun [moo-vee]

a film shown in a cinema or on television

◼ Example: She likes watching funny movies.

5. weekend noun [week-end, -end]

the end of the week, Saturday and Sunday

◼ Example: What are you going to do this weekend?

6. contest noun [kon-test]

a competition, especially one in which a person's skill in a particular activity or sport is tested

◼ Example: Mary is going to join a singing contest.

7. money noun [muhn-ee]

the most common medium of exchange; cash

◼ Example: I need money to buy a new house.

8. restaurant noun [res-ter-uh nt, -tuh-rahnt, -trahnt]

a place where meals are served to the public.

◼ Example: A Chinese restaurant opened across the street.

9. trip noun [trip]

going from one place to another; a journey.

◼ Example: How was your trip to Mexico?

10. information noun [in-fer-mey-shuh n]

knowledge from study, experience, or instruction

◼ Example: You can get a lot of information from the internet.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ store

◼ a.m.

◼ toy

◼ movie

◼ weekend

◼ contest

◼ money

◼ restaurant

◼ trip

◼ information

_____________ 1. going from one place to another; a journey

_____________ 2. knowledge from study, experience, or instruction

_____________ 3. a film shown in a cinema or on television

_____________ 4. the end of the week, Saturday and Sunday

_____________ 5. the most common medium of exchange; cash

_____________ 6. a place where meals are served to the public

_____________ 7. a competition, especially one in which a person's skill in a particular activity or sport is tested

_____________ 8. a place where merchandise is offered for sale; a shop

_____________ 9. Ante meridiem - before noon

_____________ 10. an object designed to be played with


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Jeff is now preparing for his ________ to Canada.

a. money

b. information

c. trip

d. store

2) I go to the gym every ________.

a. weekend

b. restaurant

c. contest

d. toy

3) Do you want to watch a ________ tonight?

a. trip

b. information

c. movie

d. money

4) I need to buy eggs, but the ________ is already closed.

a. toy

b. contest

c. weekend

d. store

5) I have spent a lot of ________ on this house.

a. money

b. toy

c. restaurant

d. contest