
ボキャブラリー レッスン78


1. stop doing verb [stop doo-ing]

to cease or discontinue an action

◼ Example: I stopped doing my homework to take a break.

2. natural adjective [nach-er-uhl]

existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humans

◼ Example: The natural beauty of the forest is breathtaking.

3. wonderful adjective [wuhn-der-fuhl]

extremely good; marvelous or excellent

◼ Example: We had a wonderful time at the amusement park.

4. than conjunction [thæn]

used to introduce the second element in a comparison

◼ Example: She is taller than her brother.

5. public adjective [puhb-lik]

relating to or concerning people as a whole; open to everyone

◼ Example: Public transportation is widely used in big cities.

6. by oneself adverb [bahy wuhn-self]

alone; without help from others

◼ Example: She prefers to study by herself in the library.

7. climb verb [klahym]

to go up or ascend, especially by using hands and feet

◼ Example: We climbed the mountain to reach the summit.

8. upstairs adverb [uhp-stairz]

to or on an upper floor of a building

◼ Example: The bedrooms are located upstairs.

9. someday adverb [suhm-dey]

at an indefinite future time

◼ Example: I hope to travel the world someday.

10. break one's promise verb [breik wuhnz prom-is]

to fail to keep a commitment or pledge

◼ Example: He broke his promise to help her with her project.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ stop doing

◼ natural

◼ wonderful

◼ than

◼ public

◼ by oneself

◼ climb

◼ upstairs

◼ someday

◼ break one's promise

____________________1. to cease or discontinue an action

____________________2. existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humans

____________________3. extremely good; marvelous or excellent

____________________4. used to introduce the second element in a comparison

____________________5. relating to or concerning people as a whole; open to everyone

____________________6. alone; without help from others

____________________7. to go up or ascend, especially by using hands and feet

____________________8. to or on an upper floor of a building

____________________9. at an indefinite future time

____________________10. to fail to keep a commitment or pledge


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) She decided to ____________ shopping and save her money instead.

a. stop doing

b. climb

c. break one's promise

d. public

2) This park is a ____________ place for people to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

a. wonderful

b. natural

c. than

d. someday

3) He prefers to take ____________ transportation to work.

a. upstairs

b. natural

c. public

d. by oneself

4) I want to ____________ Mount Fuji during my visit to Japan.

a. break one's promise

b. climb

c. stop doing

d. public

5) She said she would call me, but she ____________ and never contacted me.

a. broke her promise

b. climbed

c. went upstairs

d. stopped doing