
ボキャブラリー レッスン77


1. life noun [lahyf]

the experience of being alive, the time between birth and death

◼ Example: She has dedicated her life to helping others.

2. be ready to do verb phrase

to be prepared or willing to perform a specific action

◼ Example: I am ready to start my new job on Monday.

3. chef noun [shef]

a professional cook, especially one who is in charge of a kitchen in a restaurant

◼ Example: The chef at the restaurant is famous for his delicious pasta dishes.

4. middle noun [mid-l]

the central point or position

◼ Example: The school is located in the middle of the town.

5. across preposition [uh-kraws, uh-kros]

from one side to the other side of something

◼ Example: We walked across the bridge to reach the other side of the river.

6. change one's mind verb phrase

to alter one's decision or opinion about something

◼ Example: I changed my mind about going to the party after talking to my friend.

7. have a flight verb phrase

to take a trip by airplane

◼ Example: I have a flight to New York tomorrow morning.

8. musical adjective [myoo-zi-kuhl]

related to or involving music

◼ Example: She has a musical talent and plays the piano beautifully.

9. touch verb [tuhch]

to come into contact with something or someone

◼ Example: Be careful not to touch the hot stove.

10. enemy noun [en-uh-mee]

a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something

◼ Example: In the movie, the hero must defeat his enemy to save the world.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ life

◼ be ready to do

◼ chef

◼ middle

◼ across

◼ change one's mind

◼ have a flight

◼ musical

◼ touch

◼ enemy

____________________1. the experience of being alive, the time between birth and death

____________________2. to be prepared or willing to perform a specific action

____________________3. a professional cook, especially one who is in charge of a kitchen in a restaurant

____________________4. the central point or position

____________________5. from one side to the other side of something

____________________6. to alter one's decision or opinion about something

____________________7. to take a trip by airplane

____________________8. related to or involving music

____________________9. to come into contact with something or someone

____________________10. a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Please don't __________ the artwork in the museum.

a. touch

b. life

c. chef

d. enemy

2) He decided to become a __________ and enrolled in a culinary school.

a. musical

b. enemy

c. chef

d. middle

3) She was hesitant at first, but she eventually ______________ about going on the trip.

a. changed her mind

b. had a flight

c. was ready to do

d. touched

4) The concert showcased her ____________ talents, and the audience was amazed.

a. enemy

b. chef

c. musical

d. middle

5) When you ______________ tomorrow, don't forget to check in online beforehand.

a. have a flight

b. change your mind

c. touch

d. be ready to do