
ボキャブラリー レッスン75


1. project noun [proj-ekt, -ikt]

a planned piece of work that has a specific purpose, such as a product, a service, or an event

◼ Example: She is working on a new project for her company.

2. design noun [dih-zahyn]

the process of planning and creating a product, building, or system with a specific purpose

◼ Example: He is studying architecture to learn about building design.

3. make money [phrase]

to earn or gain money through work, investment, or other activities

◼ Example: She started her own business to make money and support her family.

4. reach verb [reech]

to arrive at a place, to get to or achieve a certain level, condition, or state

◼ Example: The train reached the station on time.

5. hurry verb [hur-ee, huhr-ee]

to move or act quickly or with urgency

◼ Example: I need to hurry to catch the bus.

6. convenience store noun [kuhn-veen-yuhns stawr, stor]

a small store that sells a variety of everyday items, such as food, beverages, and household supplies

◼ Example: I went to the convenience store to buy some snacks.

7. mall noun [mawl]

a large building or group of buildings containing many stores and often restaurants

◼ Example: We spent the afternoon shopping at the mall.

8. myself pronoun [mahy-self]

a reflexive form of the pronoun 'I,' used when the speaker is the object of their own action

◼ Example: I made this cake myself.

9. uniform noun [yoo-nuh-form]

a specific set of clothes worn by members of a particular group, such as students or workers

◼ Example: The school requires students to wear uniforms.

10. badly adverb [bad-lee]

in a poor or unsatisfactory manner, not done well

◼ Example: He played the piano badly during the recital.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ project

◼ design

◼ make money

◼ reach

◼ hurry

◼ convenience store

◼ mall

◼ myself

◼ uniform

◼ badly

____________________1. a planned piece of work that has a specific purpose, such as a product, a service, or an event

____________________2. the process of planning and creating a product, building, or system with a specific purpose

____________________3. to earn or gain money through work, investment, or other activities

____________________4. to arrive at a place, to get to or achieve a certain level, condition, or state

____________________5. to move or act quickly or with urgency

____________________6. a small store that sells a variety of everyday items, such as food, beverages, and household supplies

____________________7. a large building or group of buildings containing many stores and often restaurants

____________________8. a reflexive form of the pronoun 'I,' used when the speaker is the object of their own action

____________________9. a specific set of clothes worn by members of a particular group, such as students or workers

____________________10. in a poor or unsatisfactory manner, not done well


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Our team is working on a new _____________ to develop an eco-friendly product.

a. design

b. project

c. uniform

d. convenience store

2) I need to _____________ to the store before it closes.

a. reach

b. design

c. hurry

d. make money

3) The new shopping _____________ has a variety of clothing stores, restaurants, and a movie theater.

a. convenience store

b. mall

c. uniform

d. project

4) He decided to start a small business to _____________ and support his family.

a. make money

b. reach

c. design

d. hurry

5) She sewed the dress _____________, and now it doesn't fit properly.

a. badly

b. myself

c. uniform

d. project