
ボキャブラリー レッスン71


1. go and do verb [goh and doo]

to take action, to perform a task or activity

◼ Example: After finishing work, I will go and do some grocery shopping.

2. go out (for) verb [goh out for]

to leave one's home or place to participate in an activity or event

◼ Example: Let's go out for dinner tonight.

3. wish verb [wish]

to want or desire something, often in the form of a request or a hope

◼ Example: I wish I could travel around the world.

4. subway noun [suhb-wey]

an underground railway system in a city

◼ Example: I take the subway to work every day.

5. mirror noun [mir-er]

a reflective surface, usually made of glass, that reflects light and images

◼ Example: She looked at herself in the mirror before leaving the house.

6. get on verb [get on]

to enter or board a vehicle, such as a bus, train, or airplane

◼ Example: I got on the bus at 8 am this morning.

7. astronaut noun [as-truh-nawt]

a person trained to travel in a spacecraft or work in space

◼ Example: The astronaut spent six months on the International Space Station.

8. suddenly adverb [suhd-n-lee]

happening or occurring without warning, unexpectedly

◼ Example: Suddenly, the power went out during the storm.

9. take a trip verb [teyk uh trip]

to go on a journey, usually for pleasure or vacation

◼ Example: We are planning to take a trip to Europe this summer.

10. usual adjective [yoo-zhoo-uhl]

common, ordinary, or typical

◼ Example: She ordered her usual coffee at the café.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ go and do

◼ go out (for)

◼ wish

◼ subway

◼ mirror

◼ get on

◼ astronaut

◼ suddenly

◼ take a trip

◼ usual

____________________1. to want or desire something, often in the form of a request or a hope

____________________2. an underground railway system in a city

____________________3. common, ordinary, or typical

____________________4. happening or occurring without warning, unexpectedly

____________________5. a reflective surface, usually made of glass, that reflects light and images

____________________6. to leave one's home or place to participate in an activity or event

____________________7. a person trained to travel in a spacecraft or work in space

____________________8. to enter or board a vehicle, such as a bus, train, or airplane

____________________9. to go on a journey, usually for pleasure or vacation

____________________10. to take action, to perform a task or activity


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I want to _____________ to Hawaii for my next vacation.

a. go and do

b. go out (for)

c. wish

d. take a trip

2) He ________________ he could become a successful businessman one day.

a. wished

b. suddenly

c. got on

d. took a trip

3) To get to the city center, we need to take the ________________.

a. mirror

b. subway

c. astronaut

d. usual

4) Before leaving for work, she looked in the ______________to check her appearance.

a. mirror

b. subway

c. astronaut

d. wish

5) When the bus arrived, we ________________ and found our seats.

a. wished

b. got on

c. took a trip

d. went out (for)