
ボキャブラリー レッスン67


1. 1. leaf noun [leef]

a flat, usually green, part of a plant that grows from the stem and is the main organ of photosynthesis

◼ Example: The leaves on the tree change color in autumn.

2. in those days phrase

a phrase used to refer to a period in the past

◼ Example: In those days, people didn't have smartphones.

3. whale noun [hweyl]

a large marine mammal with a streamlined body, a horizontal tail fin, and a blowhole on top of the head

◼ Example: Whales are the largest animals on Earth.

4. tourist noun [toor-ist]

a person who travels for pleasure, typically visiting places of interest and staying in hotels

◼ Example: Many tourists visit Kyoto to see the historical temples.

5. as-as comparative phrase

used to compare two things that are equal in a specific quality

◼ Example: The cake is as sweet as honey.

6. winner noun [win-er]

a person or thing that wins something, especially a competition or contest

◼ Example: The winner of the race received a trophy.

7. beside preposition [bih-sahyd]

next to or at the side of

◼ Example: The book is beside the lamp on the table.

8. website noun [web-sahyt]

a collection of related web pages, including multimedia content, typically identified with a common domain name

◼ Example: I found a great recipe on a cooking website.

9. last adjective [last]

coming after all others in time, order, or position

◼ Example: This is the last piece of cake.

10. owner noun [oh-ner]

a person who has possession of something, such as property or an animal

◼ Example: The dog's owner took it for a walk every day.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ leaf

◼ in those days

◼ whale

◼ tourist

◼ as-as

◼ winner

◼ beside

◼ website

◼ last

◼ owner

____________________1. a flat, usually green, part of a plant that grows from the stem and is the main organ of photosynthesis

____________________2. a phrase used to refer to a period in the past

____________________3. a large marine mammal with a streamlined body, a horizontal tail fin, and a blowhole on top of the head

____________________4. a person who travels for pleasure, typically visiting places of interest and staying in hotels

____________________5. used to compare two things that are equal in a specific quality

____________________6. a person or thing that wins something, especially a competition or contest

____________________7. next to or at the side of

____________________8. a collection of related web pages, including multimedia content, typically identified with a common domain name

____________________9. coming after all others in time, order, or position

____________________10. a person who has possession of something, such as property or an animal


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) There was a beautiful butterfly sitting on a ______________ in the garden.

a. leaf

b. whale

c. tourist

d. owner

2) _____________, people used to write letters instead of sending emails.

a. In those days

b. Beside

c. As-as

d. Last

3) A _______________ visited our town to see the famous castle.

a. tourist

b. whale

c. website

d. owner

4) My brother is ___________ tall as my sister, even though he's younger.

a. as-as

b. beside

c. last

d. in those days

5) The ____________ of the race will receive a gold medal.

a. winner

b. whale

c. owner

d. tourist