
ボキャブラリー レッスン66


1. wild adjective [wahyld]

not domesticated or cultivated, living in nature

◼ Example: There are many wild animals living in the forest.

2. hit verb [hit]

to deal a blow or stroke to an object or person

◼ Example: The baseball player hit the ball very hard.

3. taste verb [teyst]

to perceive the flavor of something by taking it into the mouth

◼ Example: The soup tastes delicious.

4. barbecue noun [bar-bi-kyoo]

a method of cooking where food is grilled or smoked over an open flame or on a spit

◼ Example: We had a barbecue in the park last weekend.

5. give A a ride phrase

to provide transportation to someone by car or another vehicle

◼ Example: My friend gave me a ride to the train station.

6. environment noun [en-vahy-ruhn-muhnt]

the natural world, as a whole or in a particular area, especially as affected by human activity

◼ Example: We should protect the environment by reducing pollution.

7. between preposition [bih-tween]

at, into, or across the space separating two objects or regions

◼ Example: The book is between the two cups on the table.

8. record noun [rek-erd]

a written account of something or a piece of evidence about the past

◼ Example: The company keeps a record of all the employees' working hours.

9. introduce verb [in-truh-doos]

to present a person or thing to someone, or to make someone or something known

◼ Example: Let me introduce you to my friend, Tom.

10. front adjective [fruhnt]

located at or near the front part of something

◼ Example: The front door of the house is painted red.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ wild

◼ hit

◼ taste

◼ barbecue

◼ give A a ride

◼ environment

◼ between

◼ record

◼ introduce

◼ front

____________________1. not domesticated or cultivated, living in nature

____________________2. to deal a blow or stroke to an object or person

____________________3. to perceive the flavor of something by taking it into the mouth

____________________4. a method of cooking where food is grilled or smoked over an open flame or on a spit

____________________5. to provide transportation to someone by car or another vehicle

____________________6. the natural world, as a whole or in a particular area, especially as affected by human activity

____________________7. at, into, or across the space separating two objects or regions

____________________8. a written account of something or a piece of evidence about the past

____________________9. to present a person or thing to someone, or to make someone or something known

____________________10. located at or near the front part of something


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) We saw a ______________ deer while we were hiking in the mountains.

a. wild

b. hit

c. taste

d. introduce

2) My neighbor ____________ me to his friend who is a professional chef.

a. tasted

b. introduced

c. hit

d. recorded

3) I always keep my car keys ______________ my wallet and my phone.

a. between

b. environment

c. front

d. hit

4) We had a great time at the ____________ yesterday. The grilled chicken was fantastic!

a. barbecue

b. environment

c. front

d. taste

5) My sister offered to ____________ me to the airport since my car is in the shop.

a. give a ride

b. court

c. stadium

d. suitcase