
ボキャブラリー レッスン60


1. go for a walk phrase

to take a leisurely or recreational walk, usually outdoors

◼ Example: I like to go for a walk in the park after dinner.

2. stay up late phrase

to remain awake or not go to bed until a later time than usual

◼ Example: I stayed up late last night watching movies.

3. height noun [hahyt]

the measurement of how tall something or someone is

◼ Example: The height of Mount Everest is 8,848 meters.

4. solve verb [solv]

to find an answer or explanation for a problem or question

◼ Example: She can solve complex math problems quickly.

5. say verb [sey]

to speak or express in words

◼ Example: He said that he would be late for the meeting.

6. type verb [tahyp]

to write using a keyboard, such as on a computer or smartphone

◼ Example: She can type 100 words per minute.

7. trick noun [trik]

a cunning or deceptive action or scheme

◼ Example: The magician performed an amazing card trick.

8. smart adj [smahrt]

having or showing intelligence or quick-thinking

◼ Example: She is a smart student and always gets good grades.

9. fall verb [fawl]

to come or drop down suddenly, as from a standing position

◼ Example: Be careful not to fall while walking on the icy sidewalk.

10. shock noun [shok]

a sudden or strong disturbance or surprise

◼ Example: The news of the accident was a shock to everyone.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ go for a walk

◼ stay up late

◼ height

◼ solve

◼ say

◼ type

◼ trick

◼ smart

◼ fall

◼ shock

____________________1. to take a leisurely or recreational walk, usually outdoors

____________________2. to remain awake or not go to bed until a later time than usual

____________________3. the measurement of how tall something or someone is

____________________4. to find an answer or explanation for a problem or question

____________________5. to speak or express in words

____________________6. to write using a keyboard, such as on a computer or smartphone

____________________7. a cunning or deceptive action or scheme

____________________8. having or showing intelligence or quick-thinking

____________________9. to come or drop down suddenly, as from a standing position

____________________10. a sudden or strong disturbance or surprise


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I like to _____________ in the park on weekends.

a. go for a walk

b. stay up late

c. fall

d. shock

2) She _____________ watching her favorite show last night.

a. stayed up late

b. went for a walk

c. solved

d. typed

3) The Eiffel Tower's _____________ is 324 meters.

a. height

b. trick

c. fall

d. type

4) He can _____________ any puzzle you give him.

a. solve

b. say

c. stay up late

d. go for a walk

5) She _____________ she would meet us at the cafe.

a. said

b. solved

c. typed

d. shocked