
ボキャブラリー レッスン55


1. interview noun [in-ter-vyoo]

a meeting in which someone is asked questions to determine if they are suitable for a job or in order to gather information

◼ Example: I have a job interview at the international company tomorrow.

2. meter noun [mee-ter]

a unit of length in the metric system equal to 100 centimeters

◼ Example: The swimming pool is 25 meters long.

3. take verb [teyk]

to get or accept something

◼ Example: Please take a slice of pizza.

4. too A to do adverb [too]

so much that something cannot be done

◼ Example: The room is too small to fit all the furniture.

5. international adjective [in-ter-nash-uh-nl]

involving two or more countries

◼ Example: Tokyo hosts many international events and conferences.

6. than any other conjunction [than]

used to compare two things

◼ Example: She is taller than any other girl in her class.

7. must modal verb [muhs-t]

to be required or obligated to do something

◼ Example: You must submit your assignment by the deadline.

8. a slice of noun [uh slahys ov]

a part or portion of something

◼ Example: I'll have a slice of cake for dessert.

9. smile verb [smahyl]

to have a pleased, kind, or amused facial expression

◼ Example: He smiled when he saw his friends.

10. schedule noun [skej-ool]

a plan for carrying out a process, giving lists of events and the times at which they are to occur

◼ Example: I have a busy schedule today with several meetings and appointments.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ interview

◼ meter

◼ take

◼ too A to do

◼ international

◼ than any other

◼ must

◼ a slice of

◼ smile

◼ schedule

____________________1. a unit of length in the metric system equal to 100 centimeters

____________________2. so much that something cannot be done

____________________3. a part or portion of something

____________________4. involving two or more countries

____________________5. used to compare two things

____________________6. a plan for carrying out a process, giving lists of events and the times at which they are to occur

____________________7. to have a pleased, kind, or amused facial expression

____________________8. to be required or obligated to do something

____________________9. a meeting in which someone is asked questions to determine if they are suitable for a job or in order to gather information

____________________10. to get or accept something


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I have an important _____________ at 3 p.m. tomorrow.

a. international

b. schedule

c. smile

d. interview

2) The Eiffel Tower is more than 300 _______________ tall.

a. meters

b. schedules

c. slices

d. smiles

3) She ______________ a deep breath before diving into the pool.

a. takes

b. smiles

c. interviews

d. schedules

4) It's _____________ cold outside to go for a walk.

a. too

b. than any other

c. must

d. a slice of

5) The company is planning to expand its _______________ presence in the market.

a. meter

b. take

c. international

d. schedule