
ボキャブラリー レッスン53


1. this is one's first time to do phrase [this iz wuhns furst tahym to doo]

experiencing or doing something for the first time

◼ Example: This is my first time to visit Japan, and I'm very excited.

2. exit noun [eg-zit, ek-sit]

a way out; a place or passage for leaving a building, room, or area

◼ Example: Please take the nearest exit in case of an emergency.

3. not have to do phrase [not hav to doo]

there is no necessity or obligation to perform a certain action

◼ Example: On weekends, I do not have to wake up early for work.

4. castle noun [kas-uhl]

a large building or group of buildings fortified against attack, typically used by a ruler or noble in the past

◼ Example: The ancient castle is a popular tourist attraction in Europe.

5. purpose noun [pur-puhs]

the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists

◼ Example: The purpose of this meeting is to discuss our future plans.

6. homestay noun [hohm-stey]

a cultural exchange program where a visitor stays with a host family to learn about the local culture and language

◼ Example: I participated in a homestay program in France to improve my French.

7. sir noun [sur]

a respectful or formal term of address for a man, especially when used to address a man of rank or authority

◼ Example: Excuse me, sir, could you please tell me the time?

8. fail verb [feyl]

to be unsuccessful in achieving a goal or meeting a standard

◼ Example: If you don't study for the test, you might fail.

9. count verb [kount]

to determine the total number of something; to add up or enumerate

◼ Example: The teacher asked the students to count the number of apples in the basket.

10. anymore adverb [an-ee-mawr, -mohr]

no longer; from now on, used in negative constructions

◼ Example: I don't want to hear about it anymore.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ this is one's first time to do

◼ exit

◼ not have to do

◼ castle

◼ purpose

◼ homestay

◼ sir

◼ fail

◼ count

◼ anymore

____________________1. a way out; a place or passage for leaving a building, room, or area

____________________2. the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists

____________________3. to be unsuccessful in achieving a goal or meeting a standard

____________________4. a large building or group of buildings fortified against attack, typically used by a ruler or noble in the past

____________________5. a respectful or formal term of address for a man, especially when used to address a man of rank or authority

____________________6. no longer; from now on, used in negative constructions

____________________7. experiencing or doing something for the first time

____________________8. there is no necessity or obligation to perform a certain action

____________________9. to determine the total number of something; to add up or enumerate

____________________10. a cultural exchange program where a visitor stays with a host family to learn about the local culture and language


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I am so excited because _________ this is my first time to visit New York City.

a. exit

b. castle

c. purpose

d. this is one's first time to do

2) In the museum, please do not touch the exhibits, and make sure to use the designated ___________ when you leave.

a. exit

b. homestay

c. sir

d. count

3) On weekends, you _________________ wake up early for school.

a. not have to do

b. anymore

c. fail

d. purpose

4) We visited the famous ______________ in Scotland and learned about its history.

a. exit

b. castle

c. homestay

d. sir

5) The ______________ of this exercise is to improve your listening skills.

a. exit

b. purpose

c. fail

d. anymore