
ボキャブラリー レッスン52


1. feel better phrase [feel bet-er]

to recover from an illness or to experience improvement in mood or well-being

◼ Example: After taking medicine, she started to feel better.

2. a pair of phrase [uh pair of]

two identical or similar things that go together

◼ Example: I bought a pair of new shoes for the party.

3. season noun [see-zuhn]

one of the four periods of the year, characterized by particular weather conditions and daylight hours

◼ Example: My favorite season is spring because of the cherry blossoms.

4. cancel verb [kan-suhl]

to stop or terminate something planned or scheduled

◼ Example: The concert was cancelled due to bad weather.

5. state noun [steyt]

a condition, status, or a political division within a country

◼ Example: California is the most populous state in the United States.

6. director noun [dih-rek-ter]

a person who supervises, controls, or manages an organization or a project

◼ Example: The director of the movie won an award for his work.

7. parade noun [puh-reyd]

a public procession, often including marching bands and floats, held in celebration or to honor an event or person

◼ Example: The annual Thanksgiving parade attracts many spectators.

8. try on phrasal verb [trahy on]

to put on clothes or shoes to see if they fit or look good

◼ Example: She tried on the dress before buying it.

9. examination noun [ig-zam-uh-ney-shuhn]

a test or assessment to determine a person's knowledge or abilities in a specific subject

◼ Example: I passed my English examination with high scores.

10. Chinese adjective [chahy-neez, -nees]

relating to China, its people, or its language

◼ Example: We enjoyed a delicious Chinese dinner at a local restaurant.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ feel better

◼ a pair of

◼ season

◼ cancel

◼ state

◼ director

◼ parade

◼ try on

◼ examination

◼ Chinese

____________________1. two identical or similar things that go together

____________________2. a condition, status, or a political division within a country

____________________3. to recover from an illness or to experience improvement in mood or well-being

____________________4. a test or assessment to determine a person's knowledge or abilities in a specific subject

____________________5. one of the four periods of the year, characterized by particular weather conditions and daylight hours

____________________6. a person who supervises, controls, or manages an organization or a project

____________________7. to put on clothes or shoes to see if they fit or look good

____________________8. a public procession, often including marching bands and floats, held in celebration or to honor an event or person

____________________9. to stop or terminate something planned or scheduled

____________________10. relating to China, its people, or its language


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I need to ______________ my appointment because I have a fever.

a. try on

b. cancel

c. parade

d. examination

2) The _____________ in New York City is famous for its beautiful autumn leaves.

a. season

b. parade

c. state

d. director

3) Before you buy the dress, you should ________________ to make sure it fits and looks good on you.

a. try on

b. cancel

c. examine

d. direct

4) The __________________ of the company decided to expand the business to other countries.

a. season

b. state

c. parade

d. director

5) After studying for a month, she passed her ________________ with excellent marks.

a. season

b. examination

c. state

d. parade