
ボキャブラリー レッスン51


1. british adjective [brit-ish]

relating to or originating from Great Britain, including England, Scotland, and Wales

◼ Example: He loves British literature and culture.

2. fan noun [fan]

a person who admires and supports a sports team, famous person, or a hobby

◼ Example: She's a huge fan of the Harry Potter series.

3. department store noun [di-pahrt-muhnt stawr]

a large store that sells a wide variety of goods, usually divided into different sections or departments

◼ Example: I bought a new dress at the department store yesterday.

4. novel noun [nov-uhl]

a long, written story about imaginary people and events

◼ Example: She just finished reading a thrilling mystery novel.

5. swimsuit noun [swim-soot]

a garment worn for swimming

◼ Example: I need to buy a new swimsuit for our beach vacation.

6. raise verb [reyz]

to lift or move something to a higher position or level

◼ Example: Please raise your hand if you have a question.

7. thick adjective [thik]

having a large distance between opposite sides or surfaces

◼ Example: She wore a thick coat to stay warm during the winter.

8. jog verb [jog]

to run at a slow, steady pace for exercise

◼ Example: He jogs in the park every morning to stay fit.

9. perfect adjective [pur-fikt]

having no mistakes or flaws; ideal

◼ Example: The weather was perfect for a picnic.

10. athlete noun [ath-leet]

a person who is trained or skilled in sports or other physical activities

◼ Example: The Olympic athlete trained for years to reach her goal.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ british

◼ fan

◼ department store

◼ novel

◼ swimsuit

◼ raise

◼ thick

◼ jog

◼ perfect

◼ athlete

____________________1. a garment worn for swimming

____________________2. a person who admires and supports a sports team, famous person, or a hobby

____________________3. having no mistakes or flaws; ideal

____________________4. relating to or originating from Great Britain, including England, Scotland, and Wales

____________________5. a long, written story about imaginary people and events

____________________6. to run at a slow, steady pace for exercise

____________________7. a large store that sells a wide variety of goods, usually divided into different sections or departments

____________________8. a person who is trained or skilled in sports or other physical activities

____________________9. to lift or move something to a higher position or level

____________________10. having a large distance between opposite sides or surfaces


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) He enjoys reading _______________ literature, especially detective stories.

a. british

b. athlete

c. department store

d. perfect

2) She is a big _______________ of the famous pop singer and never misses her concerts.

a. novel

b. fan

c. thick

d. raise

3) I need to buy some new clothes, so I'm going to the _______________ this weekend.

a. department store

b. swimsuit

c. british

d. jog

4) He just started a new _______________ about a detective solving a mysterious crime.

a. novel

b. athlete

c. fan

d. thick

5) She bought a colorful _______________ for her upcoming beach vacation.

a. swimsuit

b. thick

c. jog

d. perfect