
ボキャブラリー レッスン49


1. drugstore noun [druhg-stawr]

a store where you can buy medicines, toiletries, and sometimes small items

◼ Example: I went to the drugstore to buy some aspirin and toothpaste.

2. sign noun [sahyn]

an object or mark that gives information, a warning, or direction

◼ Example: The sign on the door said "No Entry."

3. polite adjective [puh-lahyt]

showing good manners, respectful, and considerate

◼ Example: She was very polite when she asked for help.

4. no one's (the) way to idiom

a phrase used to express that something is not a person's responsibility or fault

◼ Example: It's no one's way to fix the problem; we all need to work together.

5. get a good grade (on) verb phrase

to receive a high mark or score on an assignment, test, or project

◼ Example: I studied hard and managed to get a good grade on the exam.

6. guest noun [gest]

a person who is invited to visit or stay in someone's home or at an event

◼ Example: We invited several guests to our housewarming party.

7. over preposition [oh-ver]

at the other side of; across

◼ Example: My friend lives over the bridge.

8. near here adverb phrase

in the vicinity or close to the current location

◼ Example: There is a nice park near here where we can relax.

9. a lot adverb phrase

very much or often, a large amount or number

◼ Example: She has traveled a lot for her job.

10. bakery noun [bey-kuh-ree]

a place where bread, cakes, and pastries are made or sold

◼ Example: I bought a delicious cake from the bakery for my sister's birthday.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ drugstore

◼ sign

◼ polite

◼ no one's (the) way to

◼ get a good grade (on)

◼ guest

◼ over

◼ near here

◼ a lot

◼ bakery

____________________1. a store where you can buy medicines, toiletries, and sometimes small items

____________________2. an object or mark that gives information, a warning, or direction

____________________3. showing good manners, respectful, and considerate

____________________4. a phrase used to express that something is not a person's responsibility or fault

____________________5. to receive a high mark or score on an assignment, test, or project

____________________6. a person who is invited to visit or stay in someone's home or at an event

____________________7. at the other side of; across

____________________8. in the vicinity or close to the current location

____________________9. very much or often, a large amount or number

____________________10. a place where bread, cakes, and pastries are made or sold


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) There is a _____________ near my house where I can buy my medicines.

a. bakery

b. drugstore

c. guest

d. sign

2) Please be ______________ when you meet her parents for the first time.

a. over

b. a lot

c. polite

d. near here

3) I need to study hard if I want to _______________ on the math test.

a. get a good grade

b. find a bakery

c. go over

d. read a sign

4) The park is ______________; we can walk there in just five minutes.

a. near here

b. a lot

c. over

d. no one's (the) way to

5) She invited many _______________ to her wedding, including family and friends.

a. drugstores

b. signs

c. guests

d. bakeries