
ボキャブラリー レッスン48


1. snowy adjective [snoh-ee]

covered with or characterized by snow

◼ Example: The snowy mountains are a beautiful sight in winter.

2. wedding noun [wed-ing]

a ceremony where two people get married

◼ Example: We attended a beautiful wedding at a garden last summer.

3. customer noun [kuhs-tuh-mer]

a person who buys goods or services from a store or business

◼ Example: The store offers discounts to attract more customers.

4. get A to do verb phrase

to cause or persuade someone (A) to do something

◼ Example: I managed to get my friend to help me with my project.

5. take lessons verb phrase

to attend classes to learn a skill or subject

◼ Example: I want to take lessons to learn how to play the piano.

6. exchange A for B verb phrase

to give something (A) and receive something else (B) in return

◼ Example: I exchanged my old phone for a new one at the store.

7. score noun [skawr]

the number of points, goals, runs, etc., achieved in a game or contest

◼ Example: The final score of the basketball game was 95-90.

8. water noun [waw-ter, wot-er]

a colorless, tasteless, and odorless liquid that is essential for most plant and animal life

◼ Example: Drinking enough water is important for staying healthy.

9. block noun [blok]

a solid piece of material, typically with flat surfaces on each side

◼ Example: The child built a tower with colorful blocks.

10. key noun [kee]

a small piece of shaped metal with incisions cut to fit the wards of a particular lock, used to open or close it

◼ Example: I accidentally locked my keys inside the car.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ snowy


◼ customer

◼ get A to do

◼ take lessons

◼ exchange A for B

◼ score

◼ water

◼ block

◼ key

____________________1. covered with or characterized by snow

____________________2. a ceremony where two people get married

____________________3. a person who buys goods or services from a store or business

____________________4. to cause or persuade someone (A) to do something

____________________5. to attend classes to learn a skill or subject

____________________6. to give something (A) and receive something else (B) in return

____________________7. the number of points, goals, runs, etc., achieved in a game or contest

____________________8. a colorless, tasteless, and odorless liquid that is essential for most plant and animal life

____________________9. a solid piece of material, typically with flat surfaces on each side

____________________10. a small piece of shaped metal with incisions cut to fit the wards of a particular lock, used to open or close it


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) It was a _____________ day, and we had a snowball fight outside.

a. block

b. wedding

c. snowy

d. water

2) She will _______________ in French to improve her language skills.

a. take lessons

b. score

c. block

d. key

3) The _______________ complained about the poor service at the restaurant.

a. wedding

b. customer

c. water

d. block

4) I managed to _______________ my brother to clean his room.

a. get A to do

b. take lessons

c. exchange A for B

d. score

5) The soccer team won the match with a ____________ of 3-1.

a. key

b. water

c. block

d. score