
ボキャブラリー レッスン46


1. hero noun [heer-oh]

a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities

◼ Example: The firefighter who saved the child from the burning building is considered a hero.

2. when adverb, conjunction, pronoun [hwen, wen]

at the time or moment that something happens

◼ Example: When I was young, I used to play soccer every day.

3. relax verb [ri-laks]

to become less tense or anxious, to rest or enjoy oneself

◼ Example: After a hard day's work, I like to relax by watching a movie.

4. in the future phrase

at a later time, in the time yet to come

◼ Example: In the future, I hope to travel around the world.

5. strong adjective [strawng, strong]

physically powerful, able to withstand force or pressure

◼ Example: He is very strong because he exercises regularly.

6. even adverb [ee-vuhn]

used to emphasize something surprising or extreme

◼ Example: He ate all the cookies, even the burnt ones.

7. do well (on) phrase

to perform well or succeed in a particular task or activity

◼ Example: She did well on her math test because she studied hard.

8. pollution noun [puh-loo-shuhn]

the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment

◼ Example: Air pollution in big cities can cause health problems.

9. pick up verb [pik-uhp]

to lift or take something up, to collect or fetch someone or something

◼ Example: I will pick up my children from the elementary school at 4 pm.

10. elementary school noun [el-uh-men-tuh-ree skool]

a school for the first years of formal education, typically for children between the ages of 5 and 12

◼ Example: Children learn basic reading, writing, and arithmetic skills in elementary school.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ hero


◼ relax

◼ in the future

◼ strong

◼ even

◼ do well (on)

◼ pollution

◼ pick up

◼ elementary school

____________________1. a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities

____________________2. at the time or moment that something happens

____________________3. to become less tense or anxious, to rest or enjoy oneself

____________________4. at a later time, in the time yet to come

____________________5. physically powerful, able to withstand force or pressure

____________________6. used to emphasize something surprising or extreme

____________________7. to perform well or succeed in a particular task or activity

____________________8. the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment

____________________9. to lift or take something up, to collect or fetch someone or something

____________________10. a school for the first years of formal education, typically for children between the ages of 5 and 12


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) _____________ will you arrive at the station? I want to pick you up.

a. Where

b. When

c. How

d. Why

2) I will start learning a new language ________________.

a. in the future

b. even

c. hero

d. strong

3) The air ____________ in the city is getting worse due to the increased number of cars.

a. pollution

b. elementary school

c. when

d. relax

4) The athlete has a _____________ body because he trains every day.

a. relaxed

b. strong

c. polluted

d. heroic

5) To ____________, I like to read a book or take a bath after a stressful day.

a. relax

b. pollute

c. pick up

d. do well