
ボキャブラリー レッスン44


1. stay with A phrase [stey with A]

to remain in the company of someone or be a guest at their home

◼ Example: I will stay with my aunt during my trip to New York.

2. look like verb [look lahyk]

to have a similar appearance to someone or something

◼ Example: She looks like her mother.

3. recipe noun [res-uh-pee]

a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required

◼ Example: I found a delicious cake recipe online.

4. skill noun [skil]

the ability to do something well, usually gained through experience or training

◼ Example: Playing the piano requires skill and practice.

5. need to do phrase [need to doo]

something that is necessary or required to be done

◼ Example: I need to do my homework before going to bed.

6. make a mistake phrase [meyk uh muh-steyk]

to do something incorrectly or wrongly

◼ Example: Everyone makes mistakes, but it is important to learn from them.

7. heart noun [hahrt]

the central or most important part of something; the vital organ that pumps blood through the body

◼ Example: His heart is full of kindness and love.

8. think of verb [thingk of]

to consider or have an idea about something

◼ Example: Can you think of a good name for our new project?

9. anyway adverb [en-ee-wey]

despite something; in any case

◼ Example: I don't like the taste of the food, but I will eat it anyway because I am hungry.

10. one of phrase [wuhn of]

used to indicate a particular item or person from a group

◼ Example: He is one of the best students in our class.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ stay with A

◼ look like

◼ recipe

◼ skill

◼ need to do

◼ make a mistake

◼ heart

◼ think of

◼ anyway

◼ one of

____________________1. to remain in the company of someone or be a guest at their home

____________________2. to have a similar appearance to someone or something

____________________3. a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required

____________________4. the ability to do something well, usually gained through experience or training

____________________5. something that is necessary or required to be done

____________________6. to do something incorrectly or wrongly

____________________7. the central or most important part of something; the vital organ that pumps blood through the body

____________________8. to consider or have an idea about something

____________________9. despite something; in any case

____________________10. used to indicate a particular item or person from a group


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) You _______________ your keys at home, but don't worry, I have a spare set.

a. stay with

b. look like

c. need to do

d. make a mistake

2) She is very talented at drawing and has a natural _______________ for it.

a. recipe

b. skill

c. heart

d. anyway

3) This dish is _______________ my grandmother's secret recipe.

a. one of

b. stay with

c. look like

d. think of

4) I don't know what to give her for her birthday. Can you _______________ any good ideas?

a. stay with

b. think of

c. look like

d. make a mistake

5) Even though it's raining, we're going to the park _______________.

a. heart

b. anyway

c. skill

d. recipe