
ボキャブラリー レッスン43


1. spread verb [spred]

to extend, open, or lay out over a larger area

◼ Example: She spread a blanket on the grass for a picnic.

2. cut verb [kuht]

to separate, remove, or open with a sharp-edged instrument

◼ Example: He cut the apple in half.

3. internet noun [in-ter-net]

the global computer network that provides various information and communication facilities

◼ Example: We use the internet to search for information and connect with friends.

4. hamburger noun [ham-bur-ger]

a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground meat, usually beef, placed inside a sliced bun

◼ Example: I ordered a hamburger with cheese and onions.

5. pond noun [pond]

a small body of still water, usually smaller than a lake

◼ Example: We fed the ducks at the pond in the park.

6. lose one's way phrase [looz wuhn's wey]

to become lost, not know where you are or how to get to your destination

◼ Example: I lost my way in the forest and had to use a map to find my way out.

7. once a week (month) phrase [wuhns uh week (muhnth)]

happening one time every week (or month)

◼ Example: She goes to the gym once a week to exercise.

8. cloudy adjective [klou-dee]

covered with or characterized by clouds

◼ Example: The sky is cloudy today; it might rain.

9. uncle noun [uhn-kuhl]

the brother of one's father or mother, or the husband of one's aunt

◼ Example: My uncle lives in the countryside and has a farm.

10. share verb [shair]

to divide and distribute in shares, to use or enjoy something jointly with others

◼ Example: They shared a pizza for dinner.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ spread

◼ cut

◼ internet

◼ hamburger

◼ pond

◼ lose one's way

◼ once a week (month)

◼ cloudy

◼ uncle

◼ share

____________________1. to extend, open, or lay out over a larger area

____________________2. to separate, remove, or open with a sharp-edged instrument

____________________3. the global computer network that provides various information and communication facilities

____________________4. a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground meat, usually beef, placed inside a sliced bun

____________________5. a small body of still water, usually smaller than a lake

____________________6. to become lost, not know where you are or how to get to your destination

____________________7. happening one time every week (or month)

____________________8. covered with or characterized by clouds

____________________9. the brother of one's father or mother, or the husband of one's aunt

____________________10. to divide and distribute in shares, to use or enjoy something jointly with others


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The sky is _____________ today. It might be better to bring an umbrella.

a. spread

b. cut

c. internet

d. cloudy

2) I _______________ my finger while chopping vegetables. I need to be more careful next time.

a. cut

b. shared

c. spread

d. lost

3) My ________________ lives in another city, but we keep in touch through the internet and video calls.

a. uncle

b. pond

c. hamburger

d. week

4) They _______________ the news on social media so that everyone would know about the event.

a. spread

b. cut

c. lost

d. shared

5) We have a meeting _____________ a month to discuss our project's progress.

a. once

b. pond

c. internet

d. hamburger