
ボキャブラリー レッスン41


1. photo noun [foh-toh]

a picture that is taken using a camera

◼ Example: She took a beautiful photo of the sunset at the beach.

2. line noun [lahyn]

a row or series of people or things

◼ Example: There was a long line of people waiting to buy tickets.

3. strange adjective [streynj]

unusual or surprising; not familiar

◼ Example: I saw a strange animal in the forest.

4. go into verb [goh in-too]

to enter a place or start discussing a subject

◼ Example: The professor went into detail about the history of the topic.

5. coach noun [kohch]

a person who trains and teaches athletes or a team in sports

◼ Example: The basketball coach guided the team to victory.

6. soldier noun [sohl-jer]

a person who serves in an army and fights in wars

◼ Example: The brave soldier protected his country during the war.

7. view noun [vyoo]

a scene or a sight that can be seen from a particular place

◼ Example: The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking.

8. notice verb [noh-tis]

to become aware of or see something

◼ Example: I didn't notice the sign until my friend pointed it out to me.

9. shout verb [shout]

to say something loudly or forcefully

◼ Example: He shouted to his friends across the street to get their attention.

10. oil noun [oil]

a thick, liquid substance that is used for various purposes such as cooking, lubricating machinery, or as fuel

◼ Example: We need to add more oil to the car engine.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ photo

◼ line

◼ strange

◼ go into

◼ coach

◼ soldier

◼ view

◼ notice

◼ shout

◼ oil

____________________1. a picture that is taken using a camera

____________________2. a row or series of people or things

____________________3. unusual or surprising; not familiar

____________________4. to enter a place or start discussing a subject

____________________5. a person who trains and teaches athletes or a team in sports

____________________6. a person who serves in an army and fights in wars

____________________7. a scene or a sight that can be seen from a particular place

____________________8. to become aware of or see something

____________________9. to say something loudly or forcefully

____________________10. a thick, liquid substance that is used for various purposes such as cooking, lubricating machinery, or as fuel


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) She took a beautiful ______________ of the beach during her vacation.

a. photo

b. shout

c. line

d. view

2) The ______________ to buy tickets for the concert was very long.

a. photo

b. line

c. coach

d. soldier

3) They discovered a _______________ animal in the forest while hiking.

a. strange

b. view

c. notice

d. oil

4) The teacher will _______________ the details of the new project in today's class.

a. go into

b. shout

c. soldier

d. view

5) The basketball _______________ helped the team improve their skills.

a. coach

b. line

c. notice

d. oil