
ボキャブラリー レッスン4


1. road noun [rohd]

a long, narrow and smooth way intended for traveling by vehicles

◼ Example: We cannot pass that road because it is being reconstructed.
◻ Note: What’s the biggest road in your area?

2. speech noun [speech]

communication done orally; the ability to express a person's ideas, thoughts, and emotions in spoken words often with sounds and gestures

◼ Example: The president made a speech in front of his countrymen.
◻ Note: Do you think making a speech in front of many people is easy?

3. supermarket noun [soo-per-mahr-kit]

a large self-service retail market wherein people can buy food and other household goods

◼ Example: My mother and I go to the supermarket every weekend to buy some food.
◻ Note: What can you see in a supermarket?

4. train noun [treyn]

a self-propelled and connected group of rolling stock; connected cars powered by machine or electricity

◼ Example: I take the train every morning to work.
to form or develop new habits, behaviors and thoughts by drills, discipline and instructions
◼ Example: We were trained by our gym instructor on how to run properly to avoid injuries.
◻ Note: Another use of ‘train’ is on a wedding gown. It’s the part of the gown that trails behind the wearer.

5. actor noun [ak-ter]

one who acts or represents a character in stage plays, film, television broadcasts, etc.

◼ Example: One of the most famous actors in Hollywood is Brad Pitt.
◻ Note: Who is your favorite Japanese actor?

6. beach noun [beech]

part of the shore of a lake , large river, ocean, sea, etc. washed by tides or waves and usually covered by sand, gravel or large rock fragments

◼ Example: This summer, my family will go to the beach.
◻ Note: The word ‘beach’ is different from ‘beech’ because the latter is a kind of tree.

7. convenience noun [kuhn-veen-yuhns]

anything that gives comfort or ease ; anything that saves or simplifies work; referring to a convenient time or situation

◼ Example: Modern technology gives a lot of convenience.
◻ Note: ‘Convenient’ is the adjective for of convenience.

8. culture noun [kuhl-cher]

the totality of the inherited beliefs, ideas, knowledge, and values, which make up a shared basis of social action or behavior

◼ Example: Japan is one of the countries that has a rich culture.
◻ Note: What part of your culture do you like most?

9. god noun [god]

a being or object that is believed to have supernatural attributes and powers that presides over some portion of worldly affairs

◼ Example: Ethnic people pray to their gods for an abundant harvest.
◻ Note: If written with a capital ‘G’, it pertains to the Supreme Being who created and rules the universe.

10. gym noun [jim]

short for gymnasium; a building or a room that has equipment for indoor sports, exercise or physical education

◼ Example: There’s a newly built gym near our house. I can exercise there anytime.
◼ Example: ‘Gym’ is the informal word for physical education.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ road

◼ speech

◼ supermarket

◼ train

◼ god

◼ gym

◼ actor

◼ convenience

◼ beach

◼ culture

____________________1. the part of the shore of a lake , large river, ocean, sea, etc. washed by tides or waves and usually covered by sand, gravel or large rock fragments

____________________2. a being or object that is believed to have supernatural attributes and powers that presides over some portion of worldly affairs

____________________3. a long, narrow and smooth way intended for traveling by vehicles

____________________4. communication done orally; the ability to express a person's ideas, thoughts, and emotions in spoken words often with sounds and gestures

____________________5. to form or develop new habits, behaviors and thoughts by drills, discipline and instructions

____________________6. short for gymnasium; a building or a room that has equipment for indoor sports, exercise or physical education

____________________7. a large self-service retail market wherein people can buy food and other household goods

____________________8. the totality of the inherited beliefs, ideas, knowledge, and values, which make up a shared basis of social action or behavior

____________________9. one who acts or represents a character in stage plays, film, television broadcasts, etc.

____________________10. anything that gives comfort or ease ; anything that saves or simplifies work; referring to a convenient time or situation


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) We can buy different kinds of vegetables and fruits at the biggest _____________ in our city.

a. convenience

b. supermarket

c. gym

d. road

2) She memorized her ___________ before delivering it in front of her schoolmates and teachers.

a. speech

b. gossip

c. speak

d. newspaper

3) I was ___________ by my taekwondo master to expect the next moves of my opponent.

a. made

b. kept

c. informed

d. trained

4) Every summer vacation, we go to Hawaii to enjoy the water at the ___________ there.

a. beaches

b. beeches

c. forests

d. farms

5) There’s a ______-widening project in our area to solve the traffic jam problem.

a. building

b. road

c. traffic lights

d. traffic signs