
ボキャブラリー レッスン39


1. ask (A) for verb [ask fawr]

to request something from someone

◼ Example: She asked her friend for advice on traveling to Japan.

2. want to do verb [wont too doo]

to have a desire or wish to perform an action

◼ Example: I want to visit Kyoto during the cherry blossom season.

3. stay at verb [stey at]

to reside temporarily at a place such as a hotel or a friend's house

◼ Example: We will stay at a ryokan in Hakone during our trip.

4. continue verb [kuhn-tin-yoo]

to go on or keep on doing something without stopping

◼ Example: If it continues raining, we'll have to cancel our outdoor plans.

5. pay verb [pey]

to give money for goods or services

◼ Example: I have to pay my electricity bill before the due date.

6. in time adverb [in tahym]

punctual; not late

◼ Example: She arrived at the train station in time to catch her train.

7. later adverb [ley-ter]

at some time in the future or after a particular event

◼ Example: I will go shopping later this afternoon.

8. excited adjective [ik-sahy-tid]

feeling or showing enthusiasm or eagerness

◼ Example: The children are excited about their trip to Disneyland.

9. be sold out verb [bee sohld out]

to have all available items or tickets bought or sold

◼ Example: The concert tickets were sold out within an hour.

10. address noun [uh-dres]

the particulars of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated

◼ Example: Please write your address on the envelope.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ ask (A) for

◼ want to do

◼ stay at

◼ continue

◼ pay

◼ in time

◼ later

◼ excited

◼ be sold out

◼ address

____________________1. to request something from someone

____________________2. to have a desire or wish to perform an action

____________________3. to reside temporarily at a place such as a hotel or a friend's house

____________________4. to go on or keep on doing something without stopping

____________________5. to give money for goods or services

____________________6. punctual; not late

____________________7. at some time in the future or after a particular event

____________________8. feeling or showing enthusiasm or eagerness

____________________9. to have all available items or tickets bought or sold

____________________10. the particulars of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Please _____________ for help if you need it.

a. ask

b. invite

c. stay

d. pay

2) We ______________ to go skiing next winter.

a. want

b. continue

c. pay

d. address

3) I ____________ at my aunt's house during my visit to Osaka.

a. stayed

b. wanted

c. continued

d. paid

4) If you _______________ to practice the piano every day, you'll become a better pianist.

a. continue

b. stay

c. want

d. pay

5) The store clerk told me the popular toy is _______________.

a. sold out

b. in time

c. later

d. excited