
ボキャブラリー レッスン38


1. leave verb [leev]

to go away from a place, person, or thing

◼ Example: She will leave for her vacation tomorrow morning.

2. hike noun [hahyk]

a long walk, especially in the countryside or mountains

◼ Example: We went on a hike in the nearby forest last weekend.

3. sentence noun [sen-tuhns]

a group of words that expresses a complete thought and has a subject and a verb

◼ Example: The sentence "She is reading a book" has three words.

4. look forward to doing (A) phrase

to feel excited and eager about something that will happen

◼ Example: I look forward to meeting my friends this weekend.

5. spell verb [spel]

to say or write the letters of a word in the correct order

◼ Example: Can you spell the word "accommodation"?

6. horse noun [hawrs]

a large, solid-hoofed, herbivorous mammal used for riding and racing

◼ Example: She loves horse riding on weekends.

7. take a look at phrase

to examine or inspect something

◼ Example: Can you take a look at my essay and give me some feedback?

8. ballet noun [bal-ey]

a theatrical dance form characterized by graceful and precise movements

◼ Example: She has been practicing ballet since she was five years old.

9. be tired of doing phrase

to become bored or impatient with an activity or situation

◼ Example: I am tired of doing the same exercise routine every day.

10. handle verb [han-dl]

to manage, deal with, or be responsible for

◼ Example: She can handle difficult situations calmly and efficiently.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ leave

◼ hike

◼ sentence

◼ look forward to doing (A)

◼ spell

◼ horse

◼ take a look at

◼ ballet

◼ be tired of doing

◼ handle

____________________1. to go away from a place, person, or thing

____________________2. a long walk, especially in the countryside or mountains

____________________3. a group of words that expresses a complete thought and has a subject and a verb

____________________4. to feel excited and eager about something that will happen

____________________5. to say or write the letters of a word in the correct order

____________________6. a large, solid-hoofed, herbivorous mammal used for riding and racing

____________________7. to examine or inspect something

____________________8. a theatrical dance form characterized by graceful and precise movements

____________________9. to become bored or impatient with an activity or situation

____________________10. to manage, deal with, or be responsible for


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) He _____________ the office early to catch his flight.

a. left

b. hiked

c. spelled

d. handled

2) I _____________ a beautiful landscape during our hike in the mountains.

a. looked forward to

b. took a look at

c. was tired of

d. spelled

3) How do you _____________ the word "restaurant"?

a. spell

b. handle

c. leave

d. hike

4) She practices _____________ three times a week to improve her flexibility and strength.

a. horse

b. ballet

c. sentence

d. hike

5) I _____________ going to the same cafe every day; I want to try something new.

a. am tired of

b. look forward to

c. take a look at

d. handle