
ボキャブラリー レッスン37


1. one pronoun [wuhn]

a single unit, person, or thing

◼ Example: She is the one who helped me with my project.

2. help A with B phrase

to provide assistance or support to someone with something

◼ Example: My sister helped me with my homework.

3. want A to do phrase

to desire someone to perform an action or achieve something

◼ Example: My parents want me to become a doctor.

4. arm noun [ahrm]

the part of the human body between the shoulder and the wrist

◼ Example: I broke my arm while playing soccer.

5. follow verb [fol-oh]

to go or come after someone or something

◼ Example: Please follow the instructions carefully.

6. give A a hand phrase

to help or assist someone

◼ Example: Can you give me a hand with these heavy boxes?

7. action noun [ak-shuhn]

the process of doing something, often involving physical movement

◼ Example: The movie is full of action scenes.

8. after a while phrase

a period of time later

◼ Example: After a while, the rain stopped, and the sun came out.

9. hockey noun [hok-ee]

a game played on an ice rink or field by two opposing teams of skaters who try to hit a puck or ball into the opponents' goal using sticks

◼ Example: Ice hockey is a popular sport in Canada.

10. lady noun [ley-dee]

a polite or formal way of referring to a woman

◼ Example: The lady in the blue dress is my aunt.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ one

◼ help A with B

◼ want A to do

◼ arm

◼ follow

◼ give A a hand

◼ action

◼ after a while

◼ hockey

◼ lady

____________________1. a single unit, person, or thing

____________________2. to provide assistance or support to someone with something

____________________3. to desire someone to perform an action or achieve something

____________________4. the part of the human body between the shoulder and the wrist

____________________5. to go or come after someone or something

____________________6. to help or assist someone

____________________7. the process of doing something, often involving physical movement

____________________8. a period of time later

____________________9. a game played on an ice rink or field by two opposing teams of skaters who try to hit a puck or ball into the opponents' goal using sticks

____________________10. a polite or formal way of referring to a woman


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) She is the ___________ who always helps me when I'm in trouble.

a. lady

b. arm

c. action

d. hockey

2) I _______________ my friend to be more careful when crossing the street.

a. want

b. follow

c. give a hand

d. after a while

3) My brother ________________ me with my math problems.

a. helped

b. followed

c. wanted

d. armed

4) The players got ready for the ___________ game, wearing their protective gear.

a. hockey

b. action

c. lady

d. arm

5) Please ___________ the map to get to the destination.

a. follow

b. help

c. want

d. give a hand