
ボキャブラリー レッスン36


1. hole noun [hohl]

an opening or space through something

◼ Example: There is a hole in my sock.

2. junior high school noun [joon-yer hahy skool]

a school for students who have completed elementary school and are not yet in high school, typically grades 7-9

◼ Example: She started learning English when she was in junior high school.

3. one of the - A phrase

used to indicate a specific item or person within a particular group

◼ Example: Tokyo is one of the largest cities in the world.

4. lead verb [leed]

to guide or direct, to be in charge

◼ Example: The tour guide will lead us through the museum.

5. show A how to do phrase

to demonstrate to someone the way to do something

◼ Example: My sister showed me how to bake cookies.

6. tie verb [tahy]

to fasten, attach, or bind with a knot or knots

◼ Example: I need to tie my shoelaces before we start running.

7. be interested in phrase

to be curious about or attracted to something or someone

◼ Example: He is interested in learning Japanese.

8. short adjective [shawrt]

having a small length or not long

◼ Example: Her hair is short after getting a haircut.

9. take off verb [teyk awf]

to remove something, especially clothes

◼ Example: Please take off your shoes before entering the house.

10. tight adjective [tahyt]

firmly or closely fixed in place, difficult to move or loosen

◼ Example: The lid of the jar is too tight, I can't open it.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ hole

◼ junior high school

◼ one of the - A

◼ lead

◼ show A how to do

◼ tie

◼ be interested in

◼ short

◼ take off

◼ tight

____________________1. used to indicate a specific item or person within a particular group

____________________2. a school for students who have completed elementary school and are not yet in high school, typically grades 7-9

____________________3. an opening or space through something

____________________4. to guide or direct, to be in charge

____________________5. firmly or closely fixed in place, difficult to move or loosen

____________________6. to remove something, especially clothes

____________________7. to be curious about or attracted to something or someone

____________________8. to fasten, attach, or bind with a knot or knots

____________________9. having a small length or not long

____________________10. to demonstrate to someone the way to do something


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) There is a _____________ in my shirt, so I need to sew it.

a. tie

b. hole

c. short

d. take off

2) When I was in ________________, I started learning French.

a. elementary school

b. high school

c. junior high school

d. college

3) The teacher _______________ the students how to solve the math problem.

a. showed

b. took off

c. led

d. was interested in

4) I _______________ my jacket when I entered the room because it was warm.

a. tied

b. led

c. took off

d. shortened

5) She is always ______________ in art and photography; she spends her weekends visiting galleries and museums.

a. interested

b. short

c. tight

d. leading