
ボキャブラリー レッスン31


1. check verb [chek]

to examine something in order to find out if it is correct, safe, or in good condition

◼ Example: The teacher checks our homework before we leave the classroom.

2. adult noun [uh-duhlt, ad-uhlt]

a person who is fully grown or developed, not a child

◼ Example: Adults have more responsibilities than children.

3. dirty adjective [dur-tee]

not clean, covered with dirt or stains

◼ Example: I have to clean my dirty shoes before entering the house.

4. business noun [biz-nis]

the activity of making, buying, or selling goods or providing services

◼ Example: My father runs a small business in our town.

5. in a minute adverb [in-uh-min-it]

very soon, shortly

◼ Example: I'll be there in a minute to help you with the dishes.

6. toilet noun [toi-lit]

a bowl-shaped device with a seat to use for disposing of bodily waste

◼ Example: The public toilet at the park is clean and well-maintained.

7. put A in B verb [puht ey in bee]

to place or set something (A) inside something else (B)

◼ Example: She put the letter in the envelope and sealed it.

8. nothing pronoun [nuhth-ing]

not anything, no single thing

◼ Example: There is nothing in the fridge; we need to go shopping.

9. save money verb [seyv muhn-ee]

to keep money instead of spending it, often for a specific purpose or goal

◼ Example: I save money every month to buy a new laptop.

10. the same as phrase [thuh-seym az]

identical or equal to, not different

◼ Example: Your dress is the same as mine; we bought it from the same store.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ check

◼ adult

◼ dirty

◼ business

◼ in a minute

◼ toilet

◼ put A in B

◼ nothing

◼ save money

◼ the same as

____________________1. to examine something in order to find out if it is correct, safe, or in good condition

____________________2. a person who is fully grown or developed, not a child

____________________3. not clean, covered with dirt or stains

____________________4. the activity of making, buying, or selling goods or providing services

____________________5. very soon, shortly

____________________6. a bowl-shaped device with a seat to use for disposing of bodily waste

____________________7. to place or set something (A) inside something else (B)

____________________8. not anything, no single thing

____________________9. to keep money instead of spending it, often for a specific purpose or goal

____________________10. identical or equal to, not different


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Please _____________ your answers before submitting the test.

a. check

b. save

c. toilet

d. put

2) As an ________________, I have to take care of my finances and make wise decisions.

a. adult

b. business

c. dirty

d. nothing

3) The car is _______________ because it has been raining all day.

a. toilet

b. dirty

c. in a minute

d. the same as

4) She is planning to start her own _______________ selling handmade crafts online.

a. business

b. adult

c. toilet

d. nothing

5) I will join you ________________, I just need to finish this task.

a. in a minute

b. put A in B

c. save money

d. the same as