
ボキャブラリー レッスン29


1. angry adjective [ang-gree]

feeling or showing anger, irritated or annoyed

◼ Example: She was angry because she missed the bus.

2. textbook noun [teks-book]

a book used for studying a particular subject

◼ Example: The history textbook has many interesting facts about the past.

3. destroy verb [dih-stroi]

to damage something so badly that it cannot be used or does not exist anymore

◼ Example: The hurricane destroyed many houses along the coast.

4. marathon noun [mar-uh-thon]

a long-distance running race, usually 42.195 kilometers (26.219 miles)

◼ Example: He trained for months to complete his first marathon.

5. photographer noun [fuh-tog-ruh-fer]

a person who takes photographs, either as a hobby or a profession

◼ Example: She wants to become a professional photographer.

6. alone adjective [uh-lohn]

by oneself, without any other people

◼ Example: She prefers to study alone in her room.

7. feed verb [feed]

to give food to a person, animal, or plant

◼ Example: Don't forget to feed the dog before leaving the house.

8. realize verb [ree-uh-lahyz]

to become aware of or understand something

◼ Example: She realized she had forgotten her wallet at home.

9. noise noun [noiz]

a sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant

◼ Example: The noise from the construction site made it difficult to concentrate.

10. invent verb [in-vent]

to create or design something new that did not exist before

◼ Example: Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ angry

◼ textbook

◼ destroy

◼ marathon

◼ photographer

◼ alone

◼ feed

◼ realize

◼ noise

◼ invent

____________________1. feeling or showing anger, irritated or annoyed

____________________2. a book used for studying a particular subject

____________________3. to damage something so badly that it cannot be used or does not exist anymore

____________________4. a long-distance running race, usually 42.195 kilometers (26.219 miles)

____________________5. a person who takes photographs, either as a hobby or a profession

____________________6. by oneself, without any other people

____________________7. to give food to a person, animal, or plant

____________________8. to become aware of or understand something

____________________9. a sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant

____________________10. to create or design something new that did not exist before


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) She was _____________ when she found out her brother had eaten her chocolate.

a. angry

b. textbook

c. noise

d. marathon

2) Please bring your math ________________ to class tomorrow.

a. photographer

b. textbook

c. alone

d. invent

3) The earthquake could ______________ many buildings in the city.

a. destroy

b. feed

c. marathon

d. invent

4) He is training for the upcoming _______________ in the city.

a. noise

b. marathon

c. textbook

d. feed

5) The _______________ took amazing pictures at the wedding ceremony.

a. marathon

b. photographer

c. noise

d. textbook

6) She prefers to study _______________ in the library, without any distractions.

a. angry

b. alone

c. destroy

d. feed

7) The farmer has to _______________ the chickens every morning.

a. realize

b. destroy

c. noise

d. feed

8) After thinking about it, he _______________ that he had made a mistake in the calculation.

a. realized

b. invented

c. destroyed

d. fed

9) The loud _______________ coming from the party next door kept her awake all night.

a. noise

b. marathon

c. textbook

d. photographer

10) Alexander Graham Bell _______________ the telephone, which revolutionized communication.

a. fed

b. realized

c. destroyed

d. invented