
ボキャブラリー レッスン26


1. cry verb [krahy]

to shed tears, usually due to strong emotions such as sadness, pain, or happiness

◼ Example: She cried tears of joy when she saw her long-lost friend.

2. twice adverb [twahys]

two times; once and then again

◼ Example: I go to the gym twice a week.

3. thirsty adjective [thur-stee]

feeling a need or desire to drink

◼ Example: After running for an hour, I felt very thirsty.

4. cafeteria noun [kaf-i-teer-ee-uh]

a restaurant or dining area in a school, office, or other institution where meals are served

◼ Example: I usually have lunch at the school cafeteria.

5. police noun [puh-lees]

the government organization responsible for maintaining public order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing laws

◼ Example: The police arrested the suspect in the robbery case.

6. wood noun [wood]

the hard, fibrous substance that forms the main part of the trunk or branches of a tree

◼ Example: We need some wood to build the campfire.

7. along preposition [uh-lawng, uh-long]

by the side of; over the length of

◼ Example: We walked along the riverbank enjoying the scenery.

8. take off phrasal verb [teyk awf]

to remove clothing, shoes, or accessories

◼ Example: Please take off your shoes before entering the house.

9. have enough A to do phrase

to have a sufficient amount or quantity of A to be able to perform an action

◼ Example: I have enough money to buy a new car.

10. instead adverb [in-sted]

as a substitute or replacement; in place of something else

◼ Example: I didn't have any milk, so I used cream instead.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ cry

◼ twice

◼ thirsty

◼ cafeteria

◼ police

◼ wood

◼ along

◼ take off

◼ have enough A to do

◼ instead

____________________1. to shed tears, usually due to strong emotions such as sadness, pain, or happiness

____________________2. two times; once and then again

____________________3. feeling a need or desire to drink

____________________4. a restaurant or dining area in a school, office, or other institution where meals are served

____________________5. the government organization responsible for maintaining public order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing laws

____________________6. the hard, fibrous substance that forms the main part of the trunk or branches of a tree

____________________7. by the side of; over the length of

____________________8. to remove clothing, shoes, or accessories

____________________9. to have a sufficient amount or quantity of A to be able to perform an action

____________________10. as a substitute or replacement; in place of something else


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) He was so happy that he couldn't help but ____________.

a. cry

b. twice

c. police

d. wood

2) If you are ____________, you should drink some water.

a. thirsty

b. along

c. take off

d. instead

3) The ____________ is investigating the recent string of burglaries in the neighborhood.

a. cafeteria

b. police

c. wood

d. along

4) We walked ____________ the beach, picking up seashells as we went.

a. thirsty

b. along

c. twice

d. police

5) Before entering the dojo, you must ____________ your shoes.

a. cry

b. take off

c. have enough A to do

d. instead

6) I usually have lunch in the school ____________ with my friends.

a. wood

b. cafeteria

c. police

d. thirsty

7) He practiced the piano ____________ a day to improve his skills.

a. twice

b. wood

c. along

d. cry

8) If you don't ____________ money to buy the expensive one, you can get a cheaper version.

a. have enough A to do

b. instead

c. police

d. wood

9) The table is made of high-quality ____________.

a. wood

b. thirsty

c. police

d. take off

10) She didn't like the salad, so she ate soup ____________.

a. cry

b. wood

c. instead

d. along