
ボキャブラリー レッスン124


1. a piece of phrase [uh pees uhv]

A portion or part of something.

◼ Example: He gave me a piece of advice.

2. southern adjective [suhth-ern]

Relating to the south part of an area, country, or the world.

◼ Example: She is visiting her relatives in southern Spain.

3. cheer up A phrase [cheer uh p ey]

To make someone happier, to bring joy or encouragement to.

◼ Example: He tried to cheer up his friend after he failed the exam.

4. kid noun [kid]

A child.

◼ Example: He's just a kid, he doesn't know any better.

5. come true phrase [kuhm troo]

If a hope, wish, or dream comes true, it happens or is achieved.

◼ Example: Her dreams of becoming a doctor came true.

6. dress noun [dres]

A one-piece garment for a woman or girl that covers the body and extends down over the legs.

◼ Example: She wore a beautiful dress to the party.

7. anytime adverb [en-ee-tahym]

At any time; not limited to specific hours.

◼ Example: You can call me anytime.

8. be careful (about) phrase [bee ker-fuhl (uh-bout)]

Taking care or caution; paying attention to potential danger, risk or mishap.

◼ Example: Be careful about the slippery floor.

9. camp noun [kamp]

A place where people stay temporarily, usually in tents or other simple structures.

◼ Example: They set up a camp in the forest.

10. send verb [send]

To cause to go or to be taken somewhere, especially by mail or email.

◼ Example: I need to send this package to my friend.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ a piece of

◼ southern

◼ cheer up A

◼ kid

◼ come true

◼ dress

◼ anytime

◼ be careful (about)

◼ camp

◼ send

____________________1. A portion or part of something.

____________________2. Relating to the south part of an area, country, or the world.

____________________3. To make someone happier, to bring joy or encouragement to.

____________________4. A child.

____________________5. If a hope, wish, or dream comes true, it happens or is achieved.

____________________6. A one-piece garment for a woman or girl that covers the body and extends down over the legs.

____________________7. At any time; not limited to specific hours.

____________________8. Taking care or caution; paying attention to potential danger, risk or mishap.

____________________9. A place where people stay temporarily, usually in tents or other simple structures.

____________________10. To cause to go or to be taken somewhere, especially by mail or email.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Can you _____________ me a message when you arrive?

a. Send

b. Dress

c. Kid

d. Southern

2) He's going to a _____________ to learn survival skills.

a. Cheer up

b. Camp

c. Piece of

d. Anytime

3) You should _____________ when crossing the road.

a. Come true

b. Be careful

c. Dress

d. Send

4) She's wearing a beautiful _____________ to the party tonight.

a. Dress

b. Kid

c. Southern

d. Anytime

5) You can call me _____________, I'm always available.

a. Kid

b. Anytime

c. Camp

d. Be careful