
ボキャブラリー レッスン123


1. service noun [sur-vis]

Work that is done for others as an occupation or business.

◼ Example: He's in the customer service department.

2. while noun [hwahyl, wahyl]

A period of time.

◼ Example: It's been a while since we last met.

3. hang verb [hang]

To attach or place something so that it is held up from above.

◼ Example: Please hang your coat on the rack.

4. be afraid of phrase [bi ə-freyd ʌv]

To feel fear or worry about something.

◼ Example: She is afraid of spiders.

5. stage noun [steyj]

A raised platform in a theater, auditorium, etc., where the performers stand.

◼ Example: The actors took their positions on the stage.

6. grow up (in) phrase [groh ʌp (in)]

To spend one's childhood; to mature in a particular place or environment.

◼ Example: He grew up in a small town.

7. shake verb [sheyk]

To move back and forth or up and down in short, quick movements.

◼ Example: Shake the bottle before using it.

8. turn verb [turn]

To move around a central point; to rotate or revolve.

◼ Example: The earth turns on its axis.

9. importance noun [im-pawr-tns]

The quality of being important; significance.

◼ Example: The importance of exercise can't be overstated.

10. clever adjective [klev-er]

Quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent.

◼ Example: She was a clever student and quickly mastered new concepts.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ service

◼ while

◼ hang

◼ be afraid of

◼ stage

◼ grow up (in)

◼ shake

◼ turn

◼ importance

◼ clever

____________________1. Work that is done for others as an occupation or business.

____________________2. A period of time.

____________________3. To attach or place something so that it is held up from above.

____________________4. To feel fear or worry about something.

____________________5. A raised platform in a theater, auditorium, etc., where the performers stand.

____________________6. To spend one's childhood; to mature in a particular place or environment.

____________________7. To move back and forth or up and down in short, quick movements.

____________________8. To move around a central point; to rotate or revolve.

____________________9. The quality of being important; significance.

____________________10. Quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) You should call the _____________ if the product is faulty.

a. Importance

b. Stage

c. Service

d. While

2) He's _____________ of dogs after being bitten as a child.

a. Afraid

b. Hang

c. Turn

d. Clever

3) She's very _____________, she always comes up with creative solutions.

a. Stage

b. Clever

c. While

d. Shake

4) The _____________ of staying hydrated cannot be overstated.

a. Service

b. Hang

c. Stage

d. Importance

5) It's been a _____________ since we last saw each other.

a. Hang

b. Clever

c. While

d. Service